12/03~12/09/2018 Weekly Horoscope - 巨蟹

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-12-03T12:17

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A compromise you are considering may be weighing heavily on your mind this
week, Moonchild. You have tried - on your own and very independently - to
fulfill a mission that may tell an important story. You have worked and
worked at this, but you seem to only be able to get so far, and then there
is nothing. Because of this, you may now be thinking about including
someone else in your quest. This would be a compromise for you because it
isn't the ideal way to do this. Even so, you may be reasoning that getting
it done in a less desirable way is better than never getting it done at
all. But those are not the only two options. While a partnership may offer
benefits, you can do this on your own if you choose. It's just a matter of
not giving up. This week, you may receive some amazing encouragement and
inspiration from the universe, and you should know where to go from there.
A younger family member (or perhaps someone who is immature) may be in
need of your attention this week. The trouble, though, is that you may be
rather upset and feeling hurt by this person. They did something you would
never have done. Maybe you are having trouble forgiving, and you certainly
can't forget. You need to take a deeper look to figure out why this
happened, and see if you have any role in what transpired.



Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2018-12-08T09:43
感謝翻譯 不知道弟弟要闖什麼禍了
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-12-10T20:39
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-12-11T20:01

2018/12/03 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2018-12-02T17:37
巨蟹座 打雷閃電 今天有人將責任推到你身上,讓你很難應付,不妨當作是考驗自己修養的機會。感情方面 另一半很自以為是,建議要勇敢的把意見說出來,不能忍氣吞聲,否則對方不知改進。 幸運色是橘色。 考驗修養嗎?! - ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2018-12-02T11:15
代PO,原作者回文 自己來回一下文,先謝謝大家的回應, 星期五晚上有約去吃飯, 回家後他問我這樣算不算是約會, 我回48,結果連約會的定義是什麼都沒問, 星期六他就會跟我報備行程了, 昨晚他說他很想去動物園玩, 可是找不到人去,找朋友去很怪, 我就一直欺負他,叫他找我同學去, 他又說不要,問他找誰去才不 ...

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Kumar avatar
By Kumar
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