12/04 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-12-04T00:30

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If you were collecting wildflowers in a vase, and you only had so much room,
you would choose carefully the blooms that you wanted to keep. They would need
to complement each other as well as your mood and the intention you had for
them. You want something more now, Moonchild, and you can have it. But you only
have so much time and energy to give to your most important priorities. Set
aside some of those petals for a later date, and focus on what's most
important to you right now.

Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2016-12-08T04:09
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-12-09T07:01
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2016-12-13T04:37
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2016-12-14T17:06
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2016-12-18T15:45
Y(  ̄ Y  ̄ )Y蟹


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2016-12-03T22:49
本標題給對 蟹男 有疑問的版友使用 不論是愛情 友情 親情 (可按ctrl+y刪除) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 想請問大家的問題是: 人家說巨蟹是很愛家,很戀舊的星座~ 我不否認…不同蟹我都遇 ...

小乖麻 巨蟹座2016年12月運勢

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-12-03T21:28
本月關鍵詞:社交圈 你在盡力的保持一顆平常心,雖然會觸及到配合他人的需求,但是看起來你並非是急功近 利保持主動的那個。而有趣的地方在於,你的社交圈子正處在開放的狀態,這將會涉及到 某人亦或者是某個圈子(團隊)會給你帶來一定的影響。你很可能正在接觸到具有活力的 、有趣的人,即便你會呈現出被動冷漠的狀態 ...

Alex是大叔 巨蟹座2016年12月運勢

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2016-12-03T18:33
事業: 太陽跟土星在這個月的10日之前都會在你的工作宮位緊密相連,所以巨蟹座在12月的前十 天,會有一場“硬仗”要處理,而這場“硬仗”可能也會出現糾紛需要面對。日土在你的 工作宮,很可能是之前約談的合作、工作內容臨時有變,或者是出現其他突發狀況,導致 無法按照原計劃來進行,也可能面臨一些解約、合作終 ...

12/03 Daily Horoscope

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2016-12-03T00:54
The stars are encouraging you to be more adventurous than you usually are. For you, Cancer, that may mean coming out of your shell and trying to be more in ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2016-12-03T00:11
想放放甜蜜的一切閃瞎版眾嗎? 想讓大家睜不開眼嗎? ●_●andgt; 歡迎使用此標題來述說甜蜜的一切 ^^  也歡迎自介一下喔!! (可按ctrl+y刪除) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...