12/08/2018 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By James
at 2018-12-08T13:38
at 2018-12-08T13:38
Table of Contents
Your parental nature may inspire you to tend to the needs of everyone but
yourself today, Moonchild. This is often how it goes for you because you
have a tendency to put yourself last when others are in need. Even if you
enjoy helping others out, and even if it brings you a sense of fulfillment
that you don't find elsewhere, it doesn't mean that you should neglect
yourself. Do something for yourself today to soothe your nerves and
nurture your soul, even if it's just an hour spent with a hot cup of your
favorite drink and a good book.
yourself today, Moonchild. This is often how it goes for you because you
have a tendency to put yourself last when others are in need. Even if you
enjoy helping others out, and even if it brings you a sense of fulfillment
that you don't find elsewhere, it doesn't mean that you should neglect
yourself. Do something for yourself today to soothe your nerves and
nurture your soul, even if it's just an hour spent with a hot cup of your
favorite drink and a good book.
All Comments

By Jack
at 2018-12-09T01:44
at 2018-12-09T01:44

By Christine
at 2018-12-11T10:08
at 2018-12-11T10:08

By Vanessa
at 2018-12-15T20:21
at 2018-12-15T20:21

By Kelly
at 2018-12-17T01:34
at 2018-12-17T01:34
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