12/09 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Doris
at 2017-12-09T00:06
at 2017-12-09T00:06
Table of Contents
You may feel that you let someone down; and being a bit of a perfectionist,
Cancer, that's a tough thing for you to deal with. You are extremely
conscientious and caring, especially when your loved ones are concerned.
Although something did not turn out as you hoped or planned, it does not
mean you let someone down. Everyone who truly knows you, knows that you do
more for your loved ones than most ever would. You did what you could at the
time. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Cancer, that's a tough thing for you to deal with. You are extremely
conscientious and caring, especially when your loved ones are concerned.
Although something did not turn out as you hoped or planned, it does not
mean you let someone down. Everyone who truly knows you, knows that you do
more for your loved ones than most ever would. You did what you could at the
time. Don't be so hard on yourself.
All Comments

By Emma
at 2017-12-11T11:22
at 2017-12-11T11:22

By Charlie
at 2017-12-15T00:07
at 2017-12-15T00:07

By Emma
at 2017-12-19T17:57
at 2017-12-19T17:57

By Elvira
at 2017-12-20T13:51
at 2017-12-20T13:51

By Agatha
at 2017-12-24T18:07
at 2017-12-24T18:07

By Tom
at 2017-12-25T23:24
at 2017-12-25T23:24

By Emma
at 2017-12-26T02:03
at 2017-12-26T02:03

By Olga
at 2017-12-30T00:34
at 2017-12-30T00:34

By Catherine
at 2018-01-03T18:25
at 2018-01-03T18:25
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