12/10~18/10/2020 Weekly Horoscope - 巨蟹

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2020-10-14T23:28

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You may find yourself in deep learning mode this week, dear Moonchild. You
may have a strong urge to learn more about one or more topics that you
have always played with superficially, but now you have a strong desire to
get serious. This is actually a really great idea, and doing this will
distract you from some of the irritating problems you may now be facing.
It will help you deal with them more successfully. Listen to your heart
when an investment or money-related matter arises. You may have the
feeling that you should play it safe, but this could actually be a really
big break for you if you take a chance. Don't be completely haphazard, but
do listen to that little voice in your head and go with your intuition.
You may be passionately driven to find the perfect situation related to a
choice about your home life. Home is, after all, so very important to you,
and you may not have had the idyllic home situation that you crave for a
long time. If you are patient, you will find exactly what you are looking





Tags: 巨蟹

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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2020-10-15T09:17
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2020-10-15T15:47
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2020-10-17T23:49

2020/10/15 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2020-10-14T21:05
巨蟹座 晴時多雲 今天在工作上會立下志向或長遠目標,對你來說很重要,能幫助你離開泥潭,現在是關鍵 時刻。感情方面你們很需要未來感,或是一致的目標,建議有自信一點,好好溝通很重要 。 幸運色是紅色。 工作想往哪個方向?還是想離職?(笑) - ...

14/10/2020 Daily Horoscope

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2020-10-14T15:56
There are people who have learned how to and#34;speed read.and#34; They run their finger over the words as they skim over them, summarizing in their head a ...

13/10/2020 Daily Horoscope

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2020-10-13T23:15
You are someone who tends to be very tenacious, dear Cancer. This means that once you find something you want, you can become almost obsessive in your effo ...

2020/10/14 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2020-10-13T22:04
巨蟹座 打雷閃電 今天事情有意外狀況,讓你措手不及,計劃趕不上變化,建議保持耐性,心態良好,是不 二良方。感情方面不要強求,約好的事情可能變卦,多花時間給自己,當成是難得的假期 ,好好休息一下。 幸運色是咖啡色。 今年最後一次水逆開始了。(10/14~11/04) - ...

2020/10/13 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2020-10-12T22:13
巨蟹座 陰 今天要小心破財,有物品壞掉需要添購換新,或是自己的購物慾使然,好好評估用錢很重 要。感情方面與對方的價值觀有落差,可能踩到你的底線,彼此趁機好好溝通沒有不好。 幸運色是綠色。 已經破很久了吧? - ...