12/12 The Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

By Eartha
at 2018-12-12T11:21
at 2018-12-12T11:21
Table of Contents
You have very high standards, Aquarius. Not just for yourself, but you tend to
expect a lot from others as well. When someone criticizes you, an idea of you
rs, or something you are working on, you can take it very personally. That's b
ecause you are so hard on yourself that it seems unnecessary that anyone else
should be hard on you. Someone may be picking apart something about you now. D
on't take it to heart. Recognize that you have met your own high standards, an
d any criticism is based on ignorance.
expect a lot from others as well. When someone criticizes you, an idea of you
rs, or something you are working on, you can take it very personally. That's b
ecause you are so hard on yourself that it seems unnecessary that anyone else
should be hard on you. Someone may be picking apart something about you now. D
on't take it to heart. Recognize that you have met your own high standards, an
d any criticism is based on ignorance.
All Comments

By Bennie
at 2018-12-15T13:35
at 2018-12-15T13:35
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