12/14 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

By Gary
at 2015-12-13T15:04
at 2015-12-13T15:04
Table of Contents
Capricorn horoscope for Dec 14 2015
Capricorn horoscope for Dec 14 2015
If you were to embark on a road trip to a highly desired destination, you coul
d spend the entire time in the car anticipating what you would find at your de
stination. You could imagine all the fun you might have, you could count off t
he minutes until you arrived. That might be fun to a point, but if you didn't
also enjoy all of your moments on the road the trip would offer you less than
it might otherwise. You are now on a trip of sorts, and you are very focused o
n your goal or your destination. However, there's quite a lot to enjoy in the
present moment, Capricorn. As you know, it isn't just the destination, it's al
so the journey.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my American Megatrends Inc. DuOS
Capricorn horoscope for Dec 14 2015
If you were to embark on a road trip to a highly desired destination, you coul
d spend the entire time in the car anticipating what you would find at your de
stination. You could imagine all the fun you might have, you could count off t
he minutes until you arrived. That might be fun to a point, but if you didn't
also enjoy all of your moments on the road the trip would offer you less than
it might otherwise. You are now on a trip of sorts, and you are very focused o
n your goal or your destination. However, there's quite a lot to enjoy in the
present moment, Capricorn. As you know, it isn't just the destination, it's al
so the journey.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my American Megatrends Inc. DuOS
All Comments

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at 2015-12-17T07:11
at 2015-12-17T07:11

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at 2015-12-18T08:29
at 2015-12-18T08:29

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at 2015-12-21T21:52
at 2015-12-21T21:52

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at 2015-12-25T00:08
at 2015-12-25T00:08
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