12/14 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2016-12-13T15:51

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Capricorn horoscope for Dec 14 2016

You may have recently witnessed someone's cool, kind behavior despite being sp
oken to disparagingly or mistreated or disrespected. You may have been offende
d by the way this person was treated, and you may even have spoken up. But the
lesson here is in this genteel person's reaction. You may be facing a conflic
t now with a difficult person. It would be easy to lash out. But instead, you
need to recall the courteous, gracious reaction you witnessed, and emulate tha
t. It will make everything work out better, Capricorn.
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posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2016-12-16T16:33
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-12-16T19:48
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-12-21T09:01
James avatar
By James
at 2016-12-24T20:09
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2016-12-28T08:39


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-12-13T01:10
魔羯喜歡體貼的女孩,即使嘴巴上說不在意,但如果被體貼的行為對待還是會很開心!通 訊軟體沒回有時可能是工作忙,但一個禮拜有點太多…最好能適時給一些關心的話語,不 用多,但讓他知道妳是在乎他的,尤其是如果秒回的話,通常心裡會很開心;反之等太久 會有失落感…… 簡單來說,要讓他習慣身旁有妳! BTW,可以教我怎麼 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2016-12-12T23:37
全部吃光光(嗝 首先要先檢視的是原PO有沒有把事情經過and#34;完整and#34;敘述出來 之前Discovery好像有說過人腦有一部分會把發生的事情用and#34;對自己有利and#34;的角度紀錄下來 這整篇文章都還是疑點重重阿。。。精神出軌也好,對魔女的關心也好,事情真的都 如原PO所敘述的 ...

12/13 Daily Horoscope

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-12-12T19:41
Capricorn horoscope for Dec 13 2016 You are great at creating plans and then following through on them. Thatand#39;s you r style, Capricorn, and it makes ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2016-12-11T22:30
我和魔男認識了三、四年,今年初才開始慢慢變熟, 每個月都會見個幾次面,一起吃飯、散步、旅行 所以我做了一份桌曆當作生日禮物之一, 每個月的照片都是我們一起走過的地方(有3張是他的獨照,其他是風景XD) 印刷出來的質感其實還不錯 剛剛請他吃飯+把禮物給他 (因為工作原因只好提早) 餐廳他很喜歡,至於 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2016-12-11T22:25
hi各位魔們晚上好 魔版首po手機排版請見諒 我是1229 AB型魔女 最近參加親友的婚宴突然覺得自己有社交障礙QAQ 以下是心情抒發 現場除了新娘我只認識2個人,跟新郎還有新娘的高中朋友見過幾次但不熟 當時被安排座位坐在新娘的國中同學桌 新娘的國中同學我只認識其中一個女生 但她當天是負責招待 當時她 ...