12/17~12/23/2018 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2018-12-18T08:41

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Time may seem to be spinning so fast right now, Scorpio, that it seems
like you can't catch up. It isn't that you have such an overwhelming
number of things to do; it may be more of a sense that time is slipping
away. This time of year, you sometimes fall into a state of mind where you
compare where you thought you would be with where you are. You wonder "
what if" about many aspects of your life, and it makes you feel sad to
think that you may have lost or screwed up some important opportunities.
This week will be a time of reflection for you in many ways, but it will
also be a time of positive change. Those regrets you have been harboring
can be transformed into chances that have come again. There may be one
especially appealing and intriguing offer this week that could give you a
"do-over" in some very meaningful way. This week, you may also have the
chance to win a long-running argument that may have started out in fun but
became serious. Something important may be at stake, but if you can prove
what you need to prove, you can turn on a light for someone in your life
who didn't understand something essential, and that will be quite
fulfilling for you.



Tags: 天蠍

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Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2018-12-17T19:45
先不說 昨天牽手之後 我今天問他幹嘛牽我手之類的問題 https://i.imgur.com/xRl8fPn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wzBieaJ.jpg 我最後講了這一句話 他過了好久都沒回 我以為沒希望了 結果他就回了這個 https://i.imgur.com/4NdBS ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2018-12-17T18:10
陰天★★★☆☆ 今天容易遇到為難的狀況,這跟別人對你有不情之請或與人情事故有關,讓你必須心軟或為 這個人買單,請適可而止。 感情方面同情不是愛情,關於對方傳遞出需要你的感覺,建議要理性判斷。 幸運色是灰色。 今晚低溫11度 要早點躲進被窩裡 - ...

12/17/2018 Daily Horoscope

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-12-17T09:18
Some people believe that the spoken word has great power. They believe that what you say goes out into the world to forge the path before you, good or bad. ...

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2018-12-17T07:46
關於蠍女,天蠍真的是很吸引人的星座。 但不知為何,我遇到的蠍女不是遊戲人間,不然就是跟我玩躲貓貓,躲著躲著就消失了 (我是射手) 遇過幾個蠍子,都大喇喇的坦誠說自己會劈腿,擺明一副要嘛妳就接受,不要就拉倒的 態度。 可能也是我自己個人的問題,老是喜歡上這種有問題的人.... 感情也不過就是如此,一個願打, ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2018-12-17T01:00
幸福排行2 天蠍座 幸運色:紅 開運地點:甜點、祖先 貴人星座:金牛座 小人星座:雙子座 本周讓平時堅守的規矩、界線、預設立場消融,讓信任的能量帶領你前進。越想要掌控、希 望事情能朝某個你所期待的成果實現,你內心的壓力越大,也許你陷入的迷惘正是:應該。 你認定了自己的身份必須有應有的樣子和處事的 ...