12/25 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

By Belly
at 2021-12-25T03:09
at 2021-12-25T03:09
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Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 12月 25
Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 12月 25
Most of us have seen, at one time or another, a little toddler in a dance clas
s or performance, doing their own thing while the other little dancers keep st
ep. The audience roars with laughter, and the parents record it all for poster
ity on their camera phones. That little toddler, despite the missed steps due
to their bravery in doing her own thing, is a star. That's the kind of star yo
u should strive to be today, Scorpio. Do your own thing, and don't worry about
keeping step with anyone. You will be noticed in a good way.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 12月 25
Most of us have seen, at one time or another, a little toddler in a dance clas
s or performance, doing their own thing while the other little dancers keep st
ep. The audience roars with laughter, and the parents record it all for poster
ity on their camera phones. That little toddler, despite the missed steps due
to their bravery in doing her own thing, is a star. That's the kind of star yo
u should strive to be today, Scorpio. Do your own thing, and don't worry about
keeping step with anyone. You will be noticed in a good way.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Emma
at 2021-12-25T16:41
at 2021-12-25T16:41
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