12/27 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2016-12-26T11:16

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Capricorn horoscope for Dec 27 2016

The "devil is in the details" should be your mantra today, Capricorn. You may
be focused on a project that has many nuances, but you may be thinking more ab
out the big picture in an effort to move quickly and gain momentum. However, y
ou really should take an up-close look at the many facets of your project beca
use if all of those are right, then your work will progress without a hitch. I
t may seem like more work up front, but in the long run, it will pay off.
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posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-12-29T01:13
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2016-12-29T23:41
好的 我也覺得應該把事情放置到對的地方 否則會累死人
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2017-01-02T06:42
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2017-01-02T15:28
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2017-01-02T20:39
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2017-01-05T22:22
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2017-01-07T14:03


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-12-26T00:43
就是在這個大日子,我告白被拒絕了。來到這裡潛水也2年多了也發問了一次,看到大家 的問題和回答也幫助我很多。雖然不知道能不能當朋友,但也是一起經歷了很多事,也謝 謝板上的大家幫我解答。ORZ 拜謝各位 - ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2016-12-25T19:37
你的心有一道牆, 無論我攻幾次都攻不破, 讓我很狼狽,傷痕累累, 你也不會心疼我, 我的心在下雪, 你的心卻 依舊陽光, 你的旁邊有很多新鮮貨, around your world, you might not care about me, I know I lose you, 因為你很自戀, 你把自己放第一 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2016-12-25T14:00
剛剛我在line群組打上某人生日快樂 再來就是群組朋友一連串的生日快樂 某人說:妳幹嘛亂說話啦~ 我:什麼? 某人:我很低調欸!(抱住我) 欸,別以為我沒看到你的嘴角上揚, 因為我也是魔羯座的好嗎~ 早就看透透! --- 祝聖誕寶寶的魔魔生日快樂&聖誕快樂喔 - ...

12/26 Daily Horoscope

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-12-25T13:57
Capricorn horoscope for Dec 26 2016 Have you been going over and over a memory in your mind, Capricorn? If so, doe s that memory involve a regret? If you ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2016-12-25T12:02
你的星座:射手 跟魔男認識三個月,在line上很頻繁的聊(每天) 魔男也會時常跟我說他的行程,或是做了什麼事 日常的照片也是分享很多(到現在已經360張,也包括幾張自拍照) 也常約出來吃飯,或去bar,也單獨看過電影(幾乎都是他主動約) 相處一切也都很自然 唯獨就是相處時比較少會聊到我的事,也 ...