12/29 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2021-12-28T23:49

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Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 12月 29

Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 12月 29
You might think that standing up for yourself in a controversial matter won't
end well for you. It would be natural to assume that if you disagree with some
one who you need something from - and you are brave enough to speak up about i
t - then they won't react well. But actually, Scorpio, you might just be so im
pressive that they will react very well, and that could be the start of a much
better relationship. Being perceived as someone who is strong, brave, and wil
ling to stand up for what is right will go a long way to building a strong, in
vincible reputation.
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Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2021-12-29T07:39


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2021-12-28T20:03
裴恩一週星座運勢12/27-1/2 http://www.stars12.com/2021/12/1227-12_39.html 蘇米一週星座運勢12/27-1/2 http://www.stars12.com/2021/12/1227-12_31.html 道不精一週星座運勢12/27-1/2 http ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2021-12-28T18:17
2022年運勢榜 事業: 1.雙魚座 2.巨蟹座 3.雙子座 兩年 4.天蠍座 愛情: 1.天蠍座 兩年 2.處女座 三年 3.魔羯座 4.射手座 財富: 1.雙魚座 2.水瓶座 3.天蠍座 4.獅子座 綜合: 1.雙魚座 2.巨蟹座 3.雙子座 4.水瓶座 https://www.mirro ...

Alex是大叔 天蠍座2022年運勢

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2021-12-28T14:28
回顧2021: 天蠍最大的能力,是不管遇到什麼事情,好的,壞的,都會很快的把其溶解,所以很多人 回首這個2021年,好像做了很多事情,又好像沒做什麼事情,好像有很多壞事,但好像也 都還好,好像遇到很多人,但也不是起起伏伏讓自己大喜大悲。2021年,其實是你們運勢 轉折點的一年,因為在過去兩年的時間裡,你們經 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2021-12-28T10:00
殺破狼占星2022年12星座年運勢分析部份,與udn聯合新聞網合作, 請勿任意轉載、盜用文字內容,會被udn追究法律責任喔。 請大家參考時,注意版權問題。感謝大家! 影響2022年經濟環境的星相,最主要的變數就是日月蝕了。 2022年日月蝕會發生在金牛座與天蠍座的軸線上, ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2021-12-28T00:56
大運冥王星在第一宮 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8UEY3YE4As 靈數學心理測驗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p6l6rTGBws 2022爬蟲、天蠍、天鷹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAt ...