12/8 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2016-12-07T14:34

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Capricorn horoscope for Dec 8 2016

A firefighter can't plan on how to fight the next fire, because there are too
many unknown variables. The firefighter must arrive at the scene and assess wh
at's going on instantly and then set to work immediately. You may soon find yo
urself in a situation where you will need to apply this kind of rapid evaluati
on and action. You will have to consider all of the variables and come up with
a solid plan. Don't worry - you have the expertise and the intuition to get i
t right. Be confident in yourself, Capricorn.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
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心 - 你有專業知識和直覺來把事情做對。對自己有信心,魔魔。

posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2016-12-11T08:34
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2016-12-15T01:36
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-12-19T18:53
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-12-22T09:24
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2016-12-24T03:27
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2016-12-27T06:52
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-12-30T21:01
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2017-01-01T14:08
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2017-01-06T11:16
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2017-01-10T18:08
推 對自己有信心!
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2017-01-15T07:32
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-01-15T10:08
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2017-01-18T06:27
David avatar
By David
at 2017-01-18T20:10
準 早上交通出了點問題
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2017-01-20T17:34


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2016-12-06T23:23
一直以來 苦於魚男的已讀不回 不然就是很晚才回覆 尤其先讀工作群組 稍晚才讀私人訊息 習慣解毛線球團的魔羯內心簡直快被折磨殆盡 漸漸的不這麼在意 先做自己的事情 傳完就當作沒這件事 把手機擺到看不到的地方 最近重新申請Line 之前的對話照片跟筆記本都清空 一方面有點惋惜 一方面是重新開始的契機 ...

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Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-12-06T13:48
Capricorn horoscope for Dec 7 2016 Someone is admiring you from afar. This person has not made their attraction k nown, perhaps because you have a profess ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2016-12-05T18:36
*用不到的地方請愛用Ctrl+y刪除,謝謝!* 你的星座:金牛 你/妳們的關係:曖昧但似乎要結束 想問什麼呢:內心糾結了兩天忍不住想請教板上魔男,現在的問題之前文章有提過, 跟魔男前幾天突然跟我說他有思考我們的關係,是喜歡有好感但是少了一些什麼,沒有衝 動在一起(可能就像板上說的不夠喜歡,我自己覺得 ...

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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2016-12-05T15:21
Capricorn horoscope for Dec 6 2016 There is a new craze taking place. Many people are building tiny houses as sma ll as one hundred square feet, and choos ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2016-12-05T12:21
你的星座:雙子 你/妳們的關係:男女朋友 各位好。 小弟目前和魔女交往了一年多,目前已經同居快半年了,過程中出現的小摩擦都平安度過 。 最近發現魔女的行為、話語不如以往熱情,推測我們的愛情似乎進入了倦怠期。 我們曾經有討論過結婚的事,目前兩人都同意,只要彼此都穩定下來就結婚。 昨天我們有討論到倦怠期的事,魔 ...