13/12~19/12/2021 Weekly Horoscope - 事業

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2021-12-14T09:06

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You may be thinking a lot lately about devoting your time and your talents to
a cause you believe in. This may involve an organization you hold close to you
r heart, a political cause, or the community where you live. This week you may
find that different options for donating your time may come up seemingly sudd
enly, but this is not a coincidence. When you put a benevolent thought out int
o the atmosphere, you start seeing signs that guide you toward your goal. Take
some time this week to explore what comes up. Because of a busy schedule that
you have kept up for at least a few weeks, you may be feeling worn out and de
siring some time to wind down. The opportunity to plan a getaway may come to y
ou in the days ahead - again, perfect timing. Let that be your message that th
is is something positive to pursue. This is also a good time to carve out a co
zy niche in your house that is just for you. You can include all the things th
at bring you comfort and joy - beloved books and music, pillows or throw blank
ets in your favorite colors, and so on. Let this be the place you retreat to w
hen the world feels cold and unwelcoming.


Tags: 事業

All Comments

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2021-12-17T16:30
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2021-12-20T23:54

Alex是大叔 12/13~12/19 下週重要星象

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2021-12-12T11:45
本週,火星跟水星都會更替位置,進入新的星座。火星會進入火象宮位,而水星則會進入 土象宮位。 當火星來到火象宮位,我們需要注意哪些事情呢? 1、這是一個提升效率同時也讓我們更加自信的位置,火星帶有強大的氣場,而火象宮位 的能量也會影響著火星,所以在這個時期,如果涉及到談判,商務會議,包括洽詢合作, 主動聯絡 ...

9/13-9/19 Weekly Horoscope

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2021-12-12T02:22
Scorpio horoscope for 12月 13 - 12月 19 Scorpio horoscope for 12月 13 - 12月 19 You may come upon a roadblock this week in a project you have been working on. ...

12/9 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2021-12-09T00:06
雙魚座 2/19 - 3/20 今日運勢 2021 / 12 / 09 (四) 晴 今天事業運旺,原本若有不順利的事件可以在今天奮力扭轉乾坤,你積極的態度也會吸引 貴人幫助。感情方面容易與前任有連結,自己也需要整理內在,與過去好好告別。幸運色 是黃色。 https://www.daily-zodiac. ...

瑪法達星座運勢 12.08~12.14

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2021-12-08T19:14
星座排行 雙子座:大石落地、攜手合作、順水行舟、助力最多。 天秤座:躬逢其盛、通路大開、略勝一籌、機緣最巧。 兩週 射手座:獨創一格、文思泉湧、佳作迭出、事業最猛。 處女座:情牽一處、安家落戶、宜室宜家、情感最順。 https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20211207maf0 ...

Alex是大叔 2021年度總結 12星座奇幻經歷

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2021-12-08T13:07
運勢 | 年度總結,12星座你有哪些奇幻經歷? 2021年,不知不覺,已經進入到尾聲,其實這一年我的感觸很多,慶幸自己遇到了很多可 愛,有趣,真誠,善良的人,也感激他們一直以來的陪伴,支援和幫助。以前會覺得,很 多事情需要自己來完成,很擔心害怕去麻煩別人,但今年也越來越感受到,那些不夾雜任 何目的的真誠付 ...