14/09/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2020-09-13T22:48

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You may be feeling a bit antsy today, Scorpio, and you may want to take on
a new and exciting project even though you haven't yet completed something
else. You do have a tendency to get bored at times, and you find yourself
becoming distracted and eager to move on to something different. But you
probably know from past experience that doing so will only cause you more
trouble than it's worth. Buckle down and tie up loose ends first. Then you
can pour yourself completely into that new and exciting project.



Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2020-09-16T03:52
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2020-09-17T14:10

13/09/2020 Daily Horoscope

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2020-09-13T17:23
People who live in glass houses shouldnand#39;t throw stones, but they often do. And as the metaphor of this adage suggests, when they throw stones, their ...

唐綺陽 2020/09/12-13 週末 晴時多雲

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2020-09-12T07:36
2020 / 09 / 12 - 13 週末 晴時多雲 週末是需要心情放輕鬆的一天,建議你腦子不要一直思考事情,那會讓你更加勞累,放鬆 很重要。 感情方面兩人可放慢腳步,稍微沉澱一下,不用急著回應或表達想法比較好。 幸運色是金色。 - ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2020-09-12T03:55
●運勢請參考太陽星座及上升星座 ▲太陽+上升運勢如何綜合看 當兩個星座運勢有特別重疊的事件,譬如說都有提及工作上遇到的人際或合作事件,將是 特別要注意/順利的部分 若是一好一壞,運勢偏向持平;兩個都壞,必須相當謹慎小心;兩個都好,則代表本月運 勢大致上是頗順利的 【2020★9月天蠍座塔羅運勢★】§ ...

12/09/2020 Daily Horoscope

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2020-09-11T22:58
Changing horses in midstream - if it were a literal effort - would be tricky and risky. This adage advises us not to take on something new in the midst of ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2020-09-11T18:04
最近也有類似的感受… 我覺得不必要過度自我批判, 因為天蠍已經算是自省能力很高的族群了。 應該在任何時候保持正向的看待所有事物,包括自己。 或許可以把抓緊對方的過程當成是認識自己也認識對方的一種歷練。 不管是雙方的認知也好,情緒也好,行為模式也好,在不斷的碰撞之際與收放之間,再怎麼樣的不同世界也會有拉近距離 ...