14/12/2019 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2019-12-14T00:08

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Some wise person once gave advice on speaking in front of a crowd: if
public speaking makes you nervous, try to imagine the entire crowd sitting
there in their birthday suits. The thought of that should make the crowd
non-intimidating and lighten the mood, making the experience easier and
more lighthearted for you as a result. You may be nervous now about an
upcoming presentation or conversation. Finding a humorous way to see your
situation could certainly relieve the stress and make the whole experience
more carefree. Give it a try.



Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2019-12-16T22:29


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2019-12-13T17:12
§【2019★12月天蠍座塔羅運勢★】§ 塔羅提示~§魔法師(正位)+寶劍八(正位) § ◎整體:做事相當得心應手,有機會可以大顯身手,但請避免一些無謂的畫地自限。 ●請參考太陽星座及上升星座 運勢一把抓◆整體、工作、愛情、人際、金錢 詳細內容 andgt;andgt; https://taro ...

唐綺陽 2019/12/13(五)晴時多雲

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2019-12-13T08:29
2019 / 12 / 13 (五) 晴時多雲 今天最重要的是按部就班,做任何事情有規劃就會相當順利,而不是任由心情引導。 感情方面彼此的價值觀很重要,若一起購物可以從中看出來,有不順眼的地方也要提早說 。 幸運色是黃色。 - ...

唐綺陽 2019/12/12(四)雨

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2019-12-12T08:10
2019 / 12 / 12 (四) 雨 今天你可能看很多事情不順眼,最好獨立作業,或自己把控一些事,以免別人怎麼做都不 順你的意。 感情方面你容易有失望的感覺,建議誠實說出來,而不是藏在心裡,忍到最後反而會變成 問題。 幸運色是黃色。 - ...

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Edwina avatar
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You may find yourself in some kind of unspoken competition with someone today. Someone else is after the same thing you want dearly. You may feel that you ...

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Daph Bay avatar
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