15/03/2020 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2020-03-15T19:35

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Don't be discouraged if a recent passionate effort to manifest a goal did
not work out. You are a tenacious person, Moonchild, but recently you may
have suffered a few emotionally charged blows to your confidence. If you
are thinking of giving up on a dream or a goal, then try to think ahead to
how you will feel in the future if you don't try again now. Yes, you could
fail again. But you could also try again too. Keep in mind, though, that
there is an excellent chance that you will succeed.



Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2020-03-18T03:04
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2020-03-20T02:20


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2020-03-15T19:26
本人巨蟹 跟水瓶好友其實認識了一年超過 這段時間我們認識了許多朋友,也有很多共同好友 他也經歷了我的上一段感情 彼此也都了解對方許多事情 我原本就蠻喜歡這位好友 也曾想過跟他在一起時候 不過我都沒有想太多,一直放寬心跟他相處 後來因為朋友中的一些事情我幫了他許多 自那次的事件後他對我的看法有 ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2020-03-13T23:53
前不久和我的巨蟹好朋友吵架了。我們平時非常的好,大多會分享生活跟討論生活中遇到的 問題。這次吵完後到雖然我們也都說不會放在心上,事情過了就過了。但是自從吵完之後, 他就沒在主動找過我了,因爲我不想讓彼此間不自在反而是我每天還會維持一下基本的連繫 ,雖然他回覆的速度還算快(上班時間大多10分鐘內會回;下班時有看 ...

2020/03/14~03/15 唐綺陽週末星座運勢

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2020-03-13T21:21
巨蟹座 晴時多雲 週末有點分身乏術,穿梭在家人和工作之間,需要一點時間去調配心情。感情方面單身的 人容易心動,遇到的人讓你特別有感,類型跟平時接觸的也不同,會有新鮮感,多出去跟 人互動吧。 幸運色是卡其色。 白色情人節快樂。 - ...

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Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2020-03-13T17:40
At times, Moonchild, you have a great feeling of confidence that a dream of yours will come true. You have, after all, worked hard for and believed in it. ...

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David avatar
By David
at 2020-03-13T08:54
Someone in your life may seem a bit wishy-washy about making a certain decision. It may be because they know exactly how you want things to turn out, and t ...