15/08/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

By John
at 2020-08-15T23:08
at 2020-08-15T23:08
Table of Contents
If you have ever tried one of those grabber machines that are frequently
found in arcades and restaurants that cater to children, you know how
frustrating they can be. You put your money in and the giant claw goes
into position - but it may always seem that the prize you are hoping for
is buried under a whole bunch of other less-desirable items, and the claws
don't always lock onto the items. So you may have to go through many
rounds to dig out your desired object. It may seem that way now in
something you are pursuing. But with patience and determination, you can
pull out the one thing you want. Be patient and strategic, dear Scorpio.
found in arcades and restaurants that cater to children, you know how
frustrating they can be. You put your money in and the giant claw goes
into position - but it may always seem that the prize you are hoping for
is buried under a whole bunch of other less-desirable items, and the claws
don't always lock onto the items. So you may have to go through many
rounds to dig out your desired object. It may seem that way now in
something you are pursuing. But with patience and determination, you can
pull out the one thing you want. Be patient and strategic, dear Scorpio.
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