16/03/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍
By Megan
at 2020-03-15T20:06
at 2020-03-15T20:06
Table of Contents
Long ago, Scorpio, you may have chosen a practical path - maybe even a big
dream of yours - over something else that you wanted very much. At the
time, it probably seemed like the less indulgent and most obvious thing to
do. Now, though, the chance to rethink that move may come to you again,
along with an opportunity to take a detour from your original chosen path.
But if it still seems risky to you, you can aim to do both things at once
for a little while - at least until you know whether a change feels right
or not.
dream of yours - over something else that you wanted very much. At the
time, it probably seemed like the less indulgent and most obvious thing to
do. Now, though, the chance to rethink that move may come to you again,
along with an opportunity to take a detour from your original chosen path.
But if it still seems risky to you, you can aim to do both things at once
for a little while - at least until you know whether a change feels right
or not.
All Comments
By Skylar Davis
at 2020-03-18T08:20
at 2020-03-18T08:20
By Kristin
at 2020-03-19T03:37
at 2020-03-19T03:37
By Callum
at 2020-03-20T14:27
at 2020-03-20T14:27
By Freda
at 2020-03-20T23:30
at 2020-03-20T23:30
By Damian
at 2020-03-23T02:45
at 2020-03-23T02:45
By Noah
at 2020-03-25T20:05
at 2020-03-25T20:05
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