16/11/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2020-11-15T18:59

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You may have given up on something that was very important to who you are
intrinsically. Even though it is iconic of who you are, Scorpio, you may
have the nagging feeling that you will never be able to make it work. But
are you breathing? Is your heart beating? Obviously, the answer is yes to
both of those questions. Do you know what that means? It means that there
is always hope if you try, and you can certainly try. If the thought of
this keeps coming to you, then you must proceed.



Tags: 天蠍

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Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2020-11-15T01:04
滿30歲了。 今年過的非常煎熬, 面對了好幾個人生課題, 差點以為要被打倒了, 但每當谷底的時候, 就想起「置之死地而後生」是天蠍最驚人的能力, 宇宙要我們蛻變成為更好的自己, 成為更好的自己之後,你就能更勇敢追求自己想要的更好。 希望大家都身體平平安安健健康康。 - ...

14/11/2020 Daily Horoscope

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2020-11-14T23:51
Sometimes when you purchase a piece of furniture or a toy and it needs to be put together, it comes with intimidating instructions that are as big as a boo ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2020-11-14T10:04
從小到大就不喜歡過生日 被祝福 總有ㄧ種尷尬癌上身的感覺 今年是震盪的一年 惶恐過日子 不論工作 感情 家人 朋友 都有所變動.... 尤其工作上 面臨前所未見的危機... 從零晨到現在 接收到的祝福 特別暖心 感激還陪在身邊的人 祝1114生日快樂 - ...

唐綺陽 2020/11/14-15 週末 陰

James avatar
By James
at 2020-11-14T00:01
2020 / 11 / 14 - 15 週末 陰 週末工作很多,有做不完的感覺,建議不要被自憐的情緒綁架,很多事要做,你心裡很明 白。 感情方面彼此各忙各的,大家比較沒心思面對感情的事,建議多專注在自己的事情上比較 務實。 幸運色是藍色。 - 覺得各忙各的很準...週末約會被取消了QQ - ...

亞提米斯 2021年天蠍座運勢超完整解析

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2020-11-13T20:35
來源:亞提米斯 天蠍座2021年星座運勢超完整解析 | 亞提聊星座 https://youtu.be/n-eNkKkAE8E 在2021年,天蠍座的你會有怎樣的運勢和發展呢? 和亞提米斯一起來看看吧! 請參考:上升andamp;太陽星座 ※這支影片只是講述大略的情況,根據每個人占星命盤的不同會有不同的行運 ...