16/12/2019 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2019-12-15T23:40

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Your intuition is a wonderful tool to have, Moonchild, but you have to
keep in mind that it isn't always one hundred percent accurate. While you
certainly are a highly intuitive sign, the feelings that come to you can
be intermingled with thoughts and fears and fantasies, and it can
sometimes be difficult to untangle all of that and to figure out what your
intuition is trying to tell you. If you feel you are receiving sixth-sense
messages today, find a quiet place to figure out the meaning. The more you
do that, the better you get at it.



Tags: 巨蟹

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2019-12-19T20:13
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2019-12-21T11:32

2019/12/16 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2019-12-15T10:21
巨蟹座 陰 今天會遇到可愛的晚輩,讓你想要照顧他,或他們做事稍微拖拉,不是很聰明,要多盯著 點,別被拖累。感情方面會遇到年輕一輩,或你難抗拒、會撒嬌的類型,也是你吃虧的原 因。 幸運色是紅色。 最近很多人身體健康出問題。 - ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2019-12-14T19:57
我的星座是:巨蟹女 與對方的關係:有點曖昧又有點沒在曖昧 想請問大家的問題是: 10月中經朋友介紹認識蟹男,先交換linep 第一個禮拜很熱絡聊天,但第一個週末突然就冷了,然後就斷了聯絡。 過了幾個禮拜,對方隨便傳了一個貼圖後就又沒什麼回應,但我實在忍不住叫他,所以就 開啟了我們友誼(?)的大門 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2019-12-14T17:35
先對不起 有時候敘述有點跳 可能看得會比較辛苦 給 版友 nadel0922 我跟她是遠距離的 平常見面次數不多 其實是這樣 因為也有在板上問過 在認識半年多 她的各種舉動一直都很怪 包括 1.問我如果他是某個女生A我會怎樣做 (就是跟我表達過好感的女生A) 2.我提到A她會說 幹嘛跟他講這個 ( ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2019-12-14T15:01
這是厭世討拍文 一個月前和魚男吵架 因為訊息的問題他冷靜幾天後 自己破冰開始慢慢熱起來 然後約見面了 聊天很開心氣氛不錯 之後繼續聯繫雖然有點小口角 但每天至少都有訊息 雖然氣氛忽冷忽熱但也習慣了 他要準備考試越來越忙 但上週末半夜突然説好想見 我隔天問他怎麼突然這樣 他說都很想但有克制 過了一兩天又開 ...

14/12/2019 Daily Horoscope

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2019-12-13T23:59
Someone wise might tell you to choose your battles carefully when youand#39;re dealing with a difficult person. Causing too much of a rucks when things are ...