17/02/2019 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

By Belly
at 2019-02-17T11:11
at 2019-02-17T11:11
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There is something you are doing now that takes up a lot of your time and
energy. You have been doing this for a long time, but you need to ask yourself
what's the real reason. Do you keep this up because it has become a part of
your routine, Scorpio, or are you truly involved because this is what you want
to go. If you can determine that this is, or is not, something that is
meaningful and positive for you, then you will know what to do next.
energy. You have been doing this for a long time, but you need to ask yourself
what's the real reason. Do you keep this up because it has become a part of
your routine, Scorpio, or are you truly involved because this is what you want
to go. If you can determine that this is, or is not, something that is
meaningful and positive for you, then you will know what to do next.
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