17/09/2021 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2021-09-17T09:48

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Cancer horoscope for 星期五 9月 17

Something that you have become involved in may currently seem to be disorganiz
ed and out of your control. That's okay. Relax with it. Have fun with it. Adju
st your expectations to unexpected happenings that will lead to exactly what y
ou want, despite the detour. You are on the right track, Moonchild, even if it
isn't what you pictured. You have worked a long time to be headed in this dir
ection, and you are finally seeing your rightfully earned results. Don't doubt
it for a moment.






Tags: 巨蟹

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Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2021-09-20T23:00
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2021-09-24T12:12


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2021-09-16T20:52
【安妮看星星】 2021年12星座週報(9/16-9/23) feat. ~底前你會有什麼好事花生呢? 先看太陽星座,再看上升星座唷~ https://youtu.be/BcH5KvXNoEg ▼影片快捷 0:00 整體星象 0:22 塔羅占卜 01:30 選項A 01:49 選項B 02:27 選項 ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2021-09-16T18:40
小乖麻2021下半年這個星座有機會事業愛情雙豐收 http://www.stars12.com/2021/09/2021_16.html Jessica一週星座運勢9/15-9/21 http://www.stars12.com/2021/09/jessica915-921.html 判答2021年9月星 ...

12星座的職場表現 職場人氣王還是邊緣人

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2021-09-16T15:45
【Podcast】 什麼星座同事最雷?職場上做人比做事難...12星座職場法則!feat.米薩小姐 https://tinyurl.com/hx79bb9s 【新聞】雙子、獅子是職場人氣王、那「職場邊緣人」是?這3個星座都上榜:牡羊座超 級不合群、金牛座低調不愛出鋒頭… https://tinyurl.co ...

Alex是大叔 近期占星提醒 火星天秤座

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2021-09-16T12:32
火星更換了位置,這個位置對火星來說不是絕佳的位置,所以有很多人開始想要懶洋洋起 來,也很容易拖延。不過有時候放慢腳步也有好處,可以有更多的時間思考,或者回歸到 生活中去。但火星也會激化人際矛盾,好友之間可能也會有一些微妙的心結,或者工作上 因為溝通,交流分寸感的問題埋下一些隔閡,但問題出現,不要去逃避它,要說 ...

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Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2021-09-16T08:14
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