18/01/2022 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Edith
at 2022-01-18T10:45
at 2022-01-18T10:45
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Does a bothersome thought keep recurring to you, Moonchild? When things are bo
thering you or causing you to worry, you may have a tough time chasing those t
houghts away. Your tenacious nature causes you to cling to things sometimes -
even those things that worry you. But letting go of unhappy or worrisome thoug
hts - especially the kind that have the potential to ruin your day - is worth
learning. And it may be as simple as switching a bad thought for a good though
t. Like a train switches tracks, it can take you in a whole new direction.
All Comments

By Kyle
at 2022-01-18T16:05
at 2022-01-18T16:05

By Daph Bay
at 2022-01-18T21:26
at 2022-01-18T21:26

By Dora
at 2022-01-19T02:46
at 2022-01-19T02:46
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