18/05/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍
By Quanna
at 2020-05-17T23:26
at 2020-05-17T23:26
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The name "pack rats" is what some people are called who have a hard time
throwing things away. Stuffed into their garages, drawers, and closets are
things they are certain they will someday use again - the jeans with the
hole in the knee they plan to patch, the outdated shoes they're sure will
come back into style, the sentimental cards they want to read again in the
future. We can also store up ideas thinking that we'll one day make them a
reality. There are a few ideas you have packed away, Scorpio, that you
really should drag back out and manifest. Don't keep them stored away any
longer. You are now full of creative flow and energy, and it is high time
to dust off those old ideas.
throwing things away. Stuffed into their garages, drawers, and closets are
things they are certain they will someday use again - the jeans with the
hole in the knee they plan to patch, the outdated shoes they're sure will
come back into style, the sentimental cards they want to read again in the
future. We can also store up ideas thinking that we'll one day make them a
reality. There are a few ideas you have packed away, Scorpio, that you
really should drag back out and manifest. Don't keep them stored away any
longer. You are now full of creative flow and energy, and it is high time
to dust off those old ideas.
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