19/01/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍
By Ivy
at 2020-01-18T23:55
at 2020-01-18T23:55
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You may have felt very confident in the choices you have made and the
accomplishments you have achieved in recent weeks, Scorpio. But now you
are starting to look at everything very closely and finding flaws in your
reasoning - but that is only because you are only looking for flaws, if
you looked, instead, for validation that all the choices you have made and
the things you have done were the best choices and actions possible given
the circumstances, then you would find confirmation of that too. It really
is a choice and a lot is dependent on the way you look at things. Keep
that in mind today.
accomplishments you have achieved in recent weeks, Scorpio. But now you
are starting to look at everything very closely and finding flaws in your
reasoning - but that is only because you are only looking for flaws, if
you looked, instead, for validation that all the choices you have made and
the things you have done were the best choices and actions possible given
the circumstances, then you would find confirmation of that too. It really
is a choice and a lot is dependent on the way you look at things. Keep
that in mind today.
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