19/01/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2020-01-18T23:55

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You may have felt very confident in the choices you have made and the
accomplishments you have achieved in recent weeks, Scorpio. But now you
are starting to look at everything very closely and finding flaws in your
reasoning - but that is only because you are only looking for flaws, if
you looked, instead, for validation that all the choices you have made and
the things you have done were the best choices and actions possible given
the circumstances, then you would find confirmation of that too. It really
is a choice and a lot is dependent on the way you look at things. Keep
that in mind today.



Tags: 天蠍

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小乖麻 天蠍座2020年運勢

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2020-01-18T16:05
【群星聚集在你的3宮內,頭腦風暴引動智慧的哲思;意識先行,決定行動的方向;諸多 變數,或將帶來三觀的改變。上半年土星暫別摩羯,進入到水瓶座。和房產、家庭相關的 事情會變成焦點。諸如購置房產、在某個城市定居、成家立業等。下半年隨著土星逆行回 到摩羯座,久違的鬥志和野心也會被再次點燃。從對歸屬感、安全感的依賴,低 ...

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Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2020-01-18T08:16
2020 / 01 / 18 - 19 週末 晴 週末很開心,能見到很好的朋友,或去你想去的地方、得到邀約,你喜歡的人也表達對你 的喜歡。 感情方面兩情相悅的機率高,或大家聊得很開心、跟朋友的互動很愉快。 幸運色是咖啡色。 - ...

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Susan avatar
By Susan
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You may have to adapt to a new way of doing something that you have already perfected, Scorpio. Even though you have become comfortable and confident in th ...

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Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2020-01-17T09:09
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Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2020-01-16T10:59
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