19/02/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2020-02-19T11:12

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Although you can be very down-to-earth, and even though you have a good
command of common sense, you are still inclined to let your passions lead
the way from time to time. You are emotional and you can be impulsive, and
that may have gotten you into some trouble from time to time in the past.
But today, Scorpio, the stars are encouraging you to be a bit more
cautious. Allow your common sense to lead you forward - or to stop you -as
the case may be.



Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2020-02-22T22:16


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2020-02-19T06:22
其實早就不再繼續算日子了 只是會時不時想起你。 昨天早上竟然又再度夢見你 我們在搶著吸同一隻吸管的兩端。 也許你已經不如以往, 我們之間也不如以往, 然而以往的你卻仍然住在我心中。 - ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2020-02-18T23:41
認識蠍男半年了 有吃過飯 因彼此工作很忙+兩人都很被動 沒人主動再約 但還是會斷斷續續聊 他曾說我漂亮聰明 講過兩次吧 再補一句and#34;聊天的感覺像朋友and#34;... (因為我們聊天沒啥曖昧感 我也會跟他說遇到哪個男生之類 整個走錯路線...) 感覺就是我被他打槍啊啊啊andgt;andlt; ...

18/02/2020 Daily Horoscope

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2020-02-18T11:28
The mind and body connection is so intense that we often judge our worth based on our appearance. We may do this without even realizing it. But what you se ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2020-02-18T00:39
[你/妳的問題] 蠍版的各位好 如標題想問,認識三個月這樣太快了嗎? 以下是事情經過,文長,邊寫邊釐清一下頭腦 還請見諒了 他是快邁入4字頭的蠍大叔 認識3個多月,最近2個月算是頻繁見面,頻率大約是每週見一或兩次,上上週的2次見面 ,我都問他現在對我的感覺是什麼 第一次不正面回答,但丟出問題的當下 ...

唐綺陽 2020/02/18(二)晴

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2020-02-18T00:00
2020 / 02 / 18 (二) 晴 今天適合談跟錢有關的事情,例如:薪資、理財或之前是否有保險或貸款…等,都有好消 息或優惠,放掉權益很可惜。 感情方面你的強項跟優勢充滿魅力,要讓對方知道你值得爭取,而不是落居下風。 幸運色是咖啡色。 - ...