2/11-2/17 WeeklyHoroscope - 獅子

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2019-02-10T21:26

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You may encounter someone this week who seems to threaten a position or role that is valuable to you, Leo. This person may huff and puff and threaten to blow your house down, just like the Big Bad Wolf in the old fairy tale.
And while this person's bravado and outlandish claims may seem valid, you really have nothing to worry about if you don't let the hyperbole over this person's importance sink in. Just do your thing and ignore any negative distractions. You are far, far stronger than anyone like this.

A family member who has been on your mind may occupy a lot of your thoughts and your focus this week. This person is someone you worry about a lot, or at least consistently from time to time. There may be issues of irresponsibility, or it could be that this person seems to have a lot of troubles - and perhaps those troubles are self-imposed.
You are a kind and loving person, and you take their complaints and issues to heart - but that might be the source of at least part of the problem. This person has come to rely on you to fix whatever they say is broken. If this situation arises again this week, instead of expecting you to do all the work, help them to help themselves.





Tags: 獅子

All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2019-02-13T13:24
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2019-02-16T10:53
推 謝謝
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2019-02-16T13:15


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2019-02-08T02:07
你從某個人接收到的實情應該就是事情的全部真相了。你可能懷疑對方沒有誠實以對,這必定令人大失所望。但是,你聽來的事可能少了一些要素,或是被用斷章取義的方式告知你。這是危險版的真相,因為它會導致你得出錯誤的結論。再說有時真相是主觀的。多問多聽。你會發現根本沒有什麼預謀的欺瞞。 ----------------- ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2019-02-07T05:50
※ 引述《janettw79 (janet)》之銘言: : 單身一陣子了,突然… : 回頭看看自己每段感情都是談得用力又認真… : 然後,總是包容力與忍耐力十足, : 即使今天不是另一半,可能只是喜歡或者有些曖昧的對象都是一樣。 : 好姐妹A:妳就是這樣體貼、貼心、獨立,不管什麼事妳都會幫對方想得好好的,要對 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2019-02-07T05:04
Hi every cats!這裡是秤男。 這位獅女是網路交友認識的,但認識了才發現我大學的好朋友是她的以前的同學 多了一份親切感,但不論有沒有這份連結,聊起天都是輕鬆開心又價值觀很合拍 所以很無限上綱放任曖昧的聊天發展,但是她有說希望我不要去打聽他以前的事情 一開始還想說是不是以前暗戀我那個朋友弄到全班都 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2019-02-07T04:18
有個人可能正在詢問你對於某個重大形勢或某項變動的感受。雖然你幾乎不害怕表達自己的看法,但此刻別惹麻煩的想法更為強烈。你覺得若提出了異議,會造成你不願應付的衝突。然而你也許會驚訝其他人也跟你有相同的感覺,說出自己的想法,同時也是在聲援他們。別畏懼說出自己的感受。 -------------------- 原 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2019-02-06T23:38
單身一陣子了,突然… 回頭看看自己每段感情都是談得用力又認真… 然後,總是包容力與忍耐力十足, 即使今天不是另一半,可能只是喜歡或者有些曖昧的對象都是一樣。 好姐妹A:妳就是這樣體貼、貼心、獨立,不管什麼事妳都會幫對方想得好好的,要對自己好一點,不管妳做什麼決定我都會支持妳,只要妳快樂。(這段很值得哭!) ...