2/16 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-02-15T15:17

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Capricorn horoscope for Feb 16 2016
Are you trying to stick to a strict schedule that took a lot of time and effor
t to get right? You might as well give up on that, Capricorn. You had the best
of intentions when you formulated your plan, but things have changed and ther
e is a better way to deal with your obligations now. If you stick to a rigid a
genda, you will only be sabotaging yourself. If you want to make good progress
, try to be flexible and improvise. You may find that your new set of plans is
even better than the first.
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posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2016-02-18T04:10
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-02-21T15:49
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2016-02-23T11:00
John avatar
By John
at 2016-02-26T18:15
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-02-28T10:14
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2016-03-01T11:05
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2016-03-01T20:15
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2016-03-05T13:41
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2016-03-06T20:57


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2016-02-14T23:34
好久沒來發喜喜文了, 昨天同老爺、老爺妹跟她男友一起去爬山。是認真的爬山不是登山步道啊啊啊啊~8點多 入山到17點多才下山。中間因為路滑滑倒了好幾次,中間一次拐到了腳。 老爺每次看到我滑倒都會又心疼又生氣。 坐在石頭上休息的時候老爺就跑去旁邊東摸摸西摸摸,原來是為了找出一根適合當拐杖的 木頭。後來他都一直小心 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2016-02-14T19:16
以下是我統整家魔最近4大奇怪的執著andamp;思考邏輯(當然,我覺得怪也許是我的觀點,所以 歡迎各家來討論喔!) 事件1→大雨也無法阻擋我就是要回家 (下班時間,下不小的雨,家魔走路通勤) 家魔:豬豬,不能生氣喔 我:你是不是忘記撐傘,我不是在賴有提醒! 家魔:可是我不想走回去拿欸... 我:為何不?公司 ...

2/15 Daily Horoscope

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2016-02-14T15:23
Capricorn horoscope for Feb 15 2016 The Ram, the symbol of your sign, is an agile animal who is, at times, fearles s and wild. No one who knows you would t ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2016-02-14T14:40
大家情人節快樂阿~ 我的魔男還是在持續工作+準備考試中 沒有時間處理我(曖昧要滿半年了啦andgt;andlt;) 我都快要吃他車子的醋了 哈哈 定時會洗車 送保養 維修 他有說過他的愛車是小三XD 雖然不太想 但還是默默的在他身邊等他忙完 誰叫魔魔認真的樣子特別吸引人呢... 前兩天想說情人節沒有個表 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2016-02-12T23:11
你的星座:水瓶男 你/妳們的關係:朋友 去年底今年初曾自爆過 想問什麼呢:有所謂的延長賽嗎? 跟魔女網路認識,但去年單獨碰過很多面,也曖昧過一陣子。我在新竹她在台南。 去年底今年初,我自己沉不住氣跟魔女自爆了一波,被魔女拒絕之後就暫時斷了聯絡。 而且被拒絕的原因她沒說,我也不想再深究。 我本來 ...