2/25~3/3 Weekly DH - 摩羯

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2019-02-25T01:24

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You may not be thinking about a dull Monday or making it through to "hump
day" or surviving the week until "TGIF" arrives. That's because most of the
days this week should be fun and fulfilling for you, Capricorn. Even if your
week starts out slowly, the pace should pick up quickly leaving no space for
boredom or melancholy. There may be one or two events or invitations this
week - probably later in the week - that are optional, but you are encouraged
to still attend if possible. One or both of these events could be learning
experiences, as well as offering the chance to make some excellent
connections. A friendship could be tested this week as well when someone you
love and want the best for appears to be headed toward making a bad decision.
You may feel the urge to speak up, and you should if that's what feels right
- but there may be some resentment from the one you are hoping to help. That
should, however, blow over in time, once it becomes obvious that you were
right all along. A child-like friend or family member may come to you this
week with the idea of starting a joint venture. Consider this seriously. Do
not underestimate this individual, for they are not "child-like" in a bad
way. In fact, this person's youthful view of the world is actually an asset.

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2019-02-25T12:58
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2019-02-27T10:07
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2019-03-02T00:27
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2019-03-06T14:02
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2019-03-11T04:26


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2019-02-24T20:23
前情提要 認識摩女一個月多,前期的她非常熱情主動 會交換心情、不開心的事、朋友 她也會主動問我一些私人感情的事情 算是都蠻了解對方的事情,雙方都很熱情 約出去大概三四次,互動都很好 晚上也都會講電話視訊很久的那種 但這中間卡到她出國玩銜接著過年,年後又緊接著她開始打工(工時很長的那種)她每天 都說累。 我 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2019-02-24T20:19
你的星座:魚 你/妳們的關係:算漸漸往穩交邁進 想問什麼呢: 前一陣子跟魔男去離島旅遊,以前的一個青梅竹馬請我幫忙買牛肉乾。 回台後的某天青梅竹馬約我出去,順便拿肉乾,畢竟是單獨的邀約,而且青梅竹馬還說要開車來我家載我。 就跟魔男報備一下,順便詢問他會不會在意單獨出去,之前好幾個禮拜前青梅竹馬也有約過我去 ...

2/24 Daily Horoscope

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2019-02-24T00:36
In order to ingratiate yourself with someone you want to impress, you might say something you think that person wants to hear. But be careful about making ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2019-02-23T16:22
借原標題詢問一下... 本來與摩女互動一直都是像前文敘述的那樣, 一直到前陣子情人節,那天我加班很晚, 對方聊到一半突然問我說,情人節不用出去約會嗎? 我立刻表明自己沒有情人可以約會, 然後稍微提到其實以前也曾經說過 (不過看起來他不記得,一直以為我有女友) 就從那天開始,突然覺得他變得熱絡許多, ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2019-02-23T14:05
你們的星座:皆魔羯(我是男生) 你/妳們的關係:交往1年多剛分手不久 想問什麼呢:我是屬於不太有安全感的魔男, 之前交往過幾任如果有疑似不大好的舉動, 原則上直接就分手了,完全進行不下去, 直到我兩年多前遇到這個魔女。 他大我一歲,是我們班的轉學生, 一開始都沒什麼交集,當時他也有男朋友, 大概過了一學 ...