2/4 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2018-02-03T07:51

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Capricorn horoscope for Sunday Feb 4

A charismatic friend or acquaintance could easily charm you into an investment
or opportunity that you aren't quite sure of. You are not easily swayed under
normal circumstances, Capricorn, but this person may have a way with words, a
nd may know how to tap directly into your dreams. This isn't necessarily a bad
thing, this just may be the push you need to start a new venture. But before
you take the leap, make some objective assessments outside of what you hear fr
om your charming friend.
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版權所有c 每日星座運勢。
立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh

posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2018-02-07T00:30
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2018-02-10T23:10
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2018-02-14T16:08
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2018-02-17T11:48

2/3 Daily Horoscope

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2018-02-02T00:04
Capricorn horoscope for Saturday Feb 3 You may have felt as though you were traveling around in a fog for the last fe w days. The behavior of the people a ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2018-02-01T22:38
ID:weirdwall 暱稱或綽號︰小曹/liunmo 性別︰男 血型︰A 出生日期(西元年/月/日)︰1994/1/12 居住故鄉︰台北 現在工作或求學地點︰台北 休閒興趣︰閱讀/爬山/到處亂跑/觀星/太極拳 喜歡的顏色︰棕色/紫色/白色/水藍 喜歡研究跟欣賞︰研究 手相/穴道/古蹟、遺 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2018-02-01T21:54
魔羯板的各位大家好 我是不久前在魔羯板有PO文 如何面對魔羯女的羊男,當時希望下次來這邊PO文是發閃光文 可惜目前結果似乎不是這樣,為什麼會說目前請聽我娓娓道來 ------文--------正文開始--------長------ 當時徵詢完板上的建議之後,仍然與魔女保持不錯的互動 LINE的對話 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2018-02-01T20:44
親愛的其他摩羯同伴們, 你們最近會覺得壓力過大嗎? 我剛剛真的崩潰哭了,還是一樣哭給自己而已,對我來說,壓力從不是可以對外宣洩的, 尤其我又是個獨來獨往有心牆的人(我也不願意呀:( 其實從去年十二月開始,我就發現自己變了,在工作上,過去可以忍耐的地方,我開始受 不了而爆發,會在line群組上誠實說出來,脾氣暴 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2018-02-01T11:41
你的星座:處女女 你/妳們的關係:情侶 交往一年 想問什麼呢:如何讓魔男黏黏呢? 剛認識的時候,因為覺得他很溫柔,相處個性也很適合,所以就使用暗黑技讓魔男宅宅上鉤了(大心) 殊不知…魔男根本是披著羊皮的黑心大野狼啊…(掩面) 基本上是以結婚為前提在交往,也因為各方面都很合也不會吵架,也很喜歡彼此,只是平 ...