2/9 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯
By Elvira
at 2017-02-08T11:22
at 2017-02-08T11:22
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Capricorn horoscope for Feb 9 2017
You may want to hop into your time machine, go back, and revisit an old situat
ion. You could swear that it all transpired in a certain way, even if someone
else doesn't agree with you. And surely your memory is accurate, Capricorn, bu
t you will need to go back in time and prove it to the other person. Oh, wait!
You don't have a time machine, do you? It is futile to argue this point with
a friend or a family member because you really can't prove it anyway. Instead
of wasting your time on this, work together to find harmony. That would be a g
reat use of your time.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
You may want to hop into your time machine, go back, and revisit an old situat
ion. You could swear that it all transpired in a certain way, even if someone
else doesn't agree with you. And surely your memory is accurate, Capricorn, bu
t you will need to go back in time and prove it to the other person. Oh, wait!
You don't have a time machine, do you? It is futile to argue this point with
a friend or a family member because you really can't prove it anyway. Instead
of wasting your time on this, work together to find harmony. That would be a g
reat use of your time.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
All Comments
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at 2017-02-10T18:58
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