20/01~26/01/2020 Weekly Horoscope - 巨蟹

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2020-01-20T14:19

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Your social life could pick up significantly this week, Moonchild, and
that might be music to your ears. You may have felt a bit bored and out of
touch in recent weeks, but when others come calling to drag you out of
your shell you should heed your need to get out and about and to
socialize. If you are a single crab, you may even meet someone who could
play an important role and become very special in your life. But even for
those people of your sign who are attached, this could be the boost you
need to get back into circulation and networking with others who share
your interests and maybe even make a new friend or two. You may have had
some challenges with self-esteem recently, and this week could also serve
to boost your sense of self-worth not just through the increase in social
interaction, but also because you may be sought out by someone who finds
your particular talents quite intriguing. This could lead to a
money-making opportunity. If you find yourself feeling like you are in a
lull toward the end of the week, try to resist using retail therapy to
pull yourself out. You need to find a more stable and therapeutic way to
deal with this feeling - one that can be used as a calming influence in
the future as well. For example, getting into the habit of doing
meditation could be a great way to go.





Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2020-01-22T20:28
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2020-01-26T20:26

Alex是大叔 01/20~01/26 巨蟹座本週運

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2020-01-20T08:49
太陽或上升巨蟹座:上週可能發生了一些事情,挑戰了你的原則或者是你敏感的自尊心, 因此可能在心裡對一些事情或者一些人保留了一些意見。這週一次新月發生,會讓你宣泄 這些情緒,有些人通過購物,有些人則是開始享受美食,總之你將進入一段對自我放鬆的 時期。但這次新月可能也帶來較多的花銷,本週可能也要出入銀行,開取證明, ...

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Ida avatar
By Ida
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巨蟹座 打雷閃電 今天比較有一點小不順,做事交給專業的人,不要自己來,以免做不好自己煩躁,那是多 餘的。感情方面跟他人之間的互動,如果有點死心的話,最近會見分曉,勇敢就對了。 幸運色是白色。 週一擺爛吧(不對 - ...

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