20/09~26/09/2021 Weekly Horoscope - 巨蟹

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2021-09-23T06:36

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Cancer horoscope for 9月 20 - 9月 26








Do people think of you as intense, Moonchild? That's actually a rhetorical que
stion. Anyone who knows you well enough knows you are the definition of intens
e. You have a rich well of passion that you turn inward. Your emotions swirl f
reely and sometimes in contrast with each other. You think very deeply. And on
and on. Yes, you tend to be pretty intense, but this week you need to try to
be a little more lax about things. It seems that you have become so fearful ov
er a recurring thought that you have started to radiate negativity. And with y
our intense nature, this is probably extremely strong and it could disrupt the
tone of your week. Instead, let some of it - most of it - out. The anxiety, t
he fear, the longing for something better - all of those more powerful feeling
s that you have can be destructive. But if you vow to have a more carefree wee
k, great things can happen. For one, you may meet someone who can change your
life for the better, either in friendship or in romance. You could receive an
opportunity for financial gain, perhaps through a job or some sort of creative
venture. And that's just the beginning. So, concentrate on concentrating less
! The lighter you become, the higher you will ascend.


Tags: 巨蟹

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Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2021-09-26T08:04


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2021-09-22T19:25
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