2013 天秤座交往運勢 (英文網站) - 天秤
By Queena
at 2013-02-11T17:58
at 2013-02-11T17:58
Table of Contents
Love in 2013 for Couples:
Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of love, and when Librans meet someone with
similar chemistry, they pay attention! On January 1, 2013, your sign, the
sign ruling love relationships and marriage, will be on the Ascendant,
connecting nicely with beneficent Jupiter in Gemini and passionate Mars in
Aquarius - forming a Grand Air Trine. In addition, the Moon will be passing
through romantic Leo and trining Venus in Sagittarius.
Therefore, if you're in a relationship, chances are that the bond between you
and your dear one is apt to be a lasting and happy one. Deep down in your
heart of hearts, you'll have a strong epiphany about how solid your bond will
be. You may feel the sense of commitment is strongest of all during the
middle of the year and you may want to find a way to make it "solid" - either
via marriage or some other way.
Love in 2013 for Couples:
Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of love, and when Librans meet someone with
similar chemistry, they pay attention! On January 1, 2013, your sign, the
sign ruling love relationships and marriage, will be on the Ascendant,
connecting nicely with beneficent Jupiter in Gemini and passionate Mars in
Aquarius - forming a Grand Air Trine. In addition, the Moon will be passing
through romantic Leo and trining Venus in Sagittarius.
Therefore, if you're in a relationship, chances are that the bond between you
and your dear one is apt to be a lasting and happy one. Deep down in your
heart of hearts, you'll have a strong epiphany about how solid your bond will
be. You may feel the sense of commitment is strongest of all during the
middle of the year and you may want to find a way to make it "solid" - either
via marriage or some other way.
All Comments
By Isla
at 2013-02-12T09:21
at 2013-02-12T09:21
By Quintina
at 2013-02-16T05:07
at 2013-02-16T05:07
By Liam
at 2013-02-17T01:36
at 2013-02-17T01:36
By Emma
at 2013-02-17T16:28
at 2013-02-17T16:28
By Sandy
at 2013-02-20T22:05
at 2013-02-20T22:05
By Caroline
at 2013-02-24T09:11
at 2013-02-24T09:11
By Quanna
at 2013-02-25T05:09
at 2013-02-25T05:09
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