2013 天秤座單身運勢翻譯 - 天秤
By Christine
at 2013-02-09T17:42
at 2013-02-09T17:42
Table of Contents
Love in 2013 for Singles:
Have you still not found your Prince or Princess Charming? Hang in there! At
the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2013, Libra will be on the Ascendant,
connecting nicely with Jupiter in Gemini, and passionate Mars in Aquarius,
forming a Grand Air Trine. What this indicates is that Libras, as well as
Geminis and Aquarians, just might finally find the right partner - perhaps
within a fortnight or two after the New Year.
2013 年天秤的雙子座落在木星,水瓶座落在火星,形成了大三角。
也許在新年開始後的兩星期到四星期間。(好像過了…… -_-b)
Still, Librans at times aren't always certain about how they feel. Those
Libran scales tend to go up and down, often causing confusion and
uncertainty. However, don't keep agonizing over whether or not a new friend
is THE ONE. Concentrate more on how much you like this person, and eventually
you'll forget about your doubts. The time will come when the scales of Libra
stop tipping one way or the other and finally balance.
Love in 2013 for Singles:
Have you still not found your Prince or Princess Charming? Hang in there! At
the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2013, Libra will be on the Ascendant,
connecting nicely with Jupiter in Gemini, and passionate Mars in Aquarius,
forming a Grand Air Trine. What this indicates is that Libras, as well as
Geminis and Aquarians, just might finally find the right partner - perhaps
within a fortnight or two after the New Year.
2013 年天秤的雙子座落在木星,水瓶座落在火星,形成了大三角。
也許在新年開始後的兩星期到四星期間。(好像過了…… -_-b)
Still, Librans at times aren't always certain about how they feel. Those
Libran scales tend to go up and down, often causing confusion and
uncertainty. However, don't keep agonizing over whether or not a new friend
is THE ONE. Concentrate more on how much you like this person, and eventually
you'll forget about your doubts. The time will come when the scales of Libra
stop tipping one way or the other and finally balance.
All Comments
By Rosalind
at 2013-02-13T05:24
at 2013-02-13T05:24
By Edwina
at 2013-02-17T17:37
at 2013-02-17T17:37
By Daph Bay
at 2013-02-21T10:39
at 2013-02-21T10:39
By Candice
at 2013-02-22T18:56
at 2013-02-22T18:56
By Edwina
at 2013-02-25T06:37
at 2013-02-25T06:37
By Belly
at 2013-02-27T16:58
at 2013-02-27T16:58
By Charlie
at 2013-02-28T20:51
at 2013-02-28T20:51
By Hedda
at 2013-03-01T20:17
at 2013-03-01T20:17
By Robert
at 2013-03-02T12:29
at 2013-03-02T12:29
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-03-05T06:46
at 2013-03-05T06:46
By Ophelia
at 2013-03-07T21:28
at 2013-03-07T21:28
By Caitlin
at 2013-03-09T11:51
at 2013-03-09T11:51
By Hazel
at 2013-03-13T16:45
at 2013-03-13T16:45
By Erin
at 2013-03-18T09:58
at 2013-03-18T09:58
By Callum
at 2013-03-22T07:26
at 2013-03-22T07:26
By Quintina
at 2013-03-23T14:32
at 2013-03-23T14:32
By Anonymous
at 2013-03-25T17:29
at 2013-03-25T17:29
By Susan
at 2013-03-30T08:22
at 2013-03-30T08:22
By Anonymous
at 2013-03-31T20:34
at 2013-03-31T20:34
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