2015/12/16 by Daily Horoscope - 天秤

By Liam
at 2015-12-16T02:09
at 2015-12-16T02:09
Table of Contents
Libra horoscope for Dec 16 2015
You are a fair-minded person who always seeks peace. That's why a conflict you
may be experiencing with someone in your social or work circle may be more ch
allenging for you than it would be for other people. There is something about
this individual that makes it difficult for you to get along, even though you
may try to see the best and believe the best about this person. The two of you
may not be compatible, but an upcoming responsibility may pair you together,
and that will offer you the chance to truly see the best in each other.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
You are a fair-minded person who always seeks peace. That's why a conflict you
may be experiencing with someone in your social or work circle may be more ch
allenging for you than it would be for other people. There is something about
this individual that makes it difficult for you to get along, even though you
may try to see the best and believe the best about this person. The two of you
may not be compatible, but an upcoming responsibility may pair you together,
and that will offer you the chance to truly see the best in each other.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Andrew
at 2015-12-19T11:43
at 2015-12-19T11:43

By Leila
at 2015-12-24T07:55
at 2015-12-24T07:55

By Todd Johnson
at 2015-12-27T06:08
at 2015-12-27T06:08

By Irma
at 2015-12-29T02:03
at 2015-12-29T02:03

By Hedwig
at 2015-12-29T09:10
at 2015-12-29T09:10

By Andy
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By Michael
at 2016-01-04T15:28
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By Audriana
at 2016-01-08T00:05
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at 2016-01-14T08:21
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