2015/12/19 by Daily Horoscope - 天秤

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2015-12-18T22:46

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Libra horoscope for Dec 19 2015

You may have some obligations this holiday season that you wish you didn't hav
e to put first. These may come from family invitations or responsibilities tha
t you wish you could either turn down or put off, but you can't. Some of this,
Libra, might come in the form of family parties or assistance with holiday ac
tivities. If you don't look at these things as chores, you might actually be a
ble to find a way to enjoy yourself - and wouldn't that be wonderful? Put as m
uch anticipation into these activities as you do with your others, and see wha
t happens.
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Tags: 天秤

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2015-12-22T15:00
老早就跟友人約好了,只好推了家族的事情XD 謝謝

2015/12/19 (六) 唐立淇週末星座運勢

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-12-18T22:19
2015 / 12 / 19.20 (六,日) 天秤座週末運勢 陰 週末有機會識到龍蛇雜處的人,他們很會說話、愛狡辯, 不妨抱著開眼界的心情,你就會覺得有趣了。 家人相處要改變溝通方式,你才能聽到真心話。 感情雙方易起爭執 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2015-12-18T19:46
出處:來創一個天平賴群吧! 內容:想++就私訊id吧! - ...

巨蟹男&天秤女 (微閃 文長慎入)

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2015-12-18T18:31
手機排版 凌亂請見諒啊.... 本人是準高三天秤女一枚 只不過閃光是高一巨蟹小男人 額好啦就是差三歲的姐弟戀(縮牆角 在一起三個多月 同校 同科 常常聽到說巨蟹andamp;天秤不合之類的話 每次都會想反駁說他才不是 不過都會以 and#34;他還沒露出本性啦and#34; 不然就是 and#34;他年紀 ...

2015/12/18 by Daily Horoscope

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2015-12-17T22:36
Libra horoscope for Dec 18 2015 If you are feeling creative today, Libra, donand#39;t wait for an invitation to do s omething special. You are all busine ...

2015/12/18 (五) 唐立淇每日星座運勢

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2015-12-17T22:21
2015 / 12 / 18 (五) 天秤座今日運勢 陰 今天需要處理金錢問題,例如:欠款需付清或銀行貸款有問題, 建議小麻煩也要好好處理。 家人相處你給的時間太少,當心引起他們情緒不滿。 感情另一半會對你花錢方式或時間都 ...