2015/12/2 by Daily Horoscope - 天秤

By Callum
at 2015-12-02T03:41
at 2015-12-02T03:41
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Libra horoscope for Dec 2 2015
A big dream may seem far more far-fetched and unrealistic than your usual drea
ms might be. You just have a feeling though, Libra, and that means your intuit
ion is affirming that this is a good idea. Even if you are not fully confident
expressing your enthusiasm about a new idea with friends in general, there mu
st be one good friend you can confide in - someone who is as open-minded as yo
u are, and who might understand where you're coming from. Hearing yourself tal
k about it out loud could help you to refine it and make it come to life.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
A big dream may seem far more far-fetched and unrealistic than your usual drea
ms might be. You just have a feeling though, Libra, and that means your intuit
ion is affirming that this is a good idea. Even if you are not fully confident
expressing your enthusiasm about a new idea with friends in general, there mu
st be one good friend you can confide in - someone who is as open-minded as yo
u are, and who might understand where you're coming from. Hearing yourself tal
k about it out loud could help you to refine it and make it come to life.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Irma
at 2015-12-05T18:40
at 2015-12-05T18:40

By Irma
at 2015-12-07T07:29
at 2015-12-07T07:29

By Ivy
at 2015-12-11T15:43
at 2015-12-11T15:43
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