2015/12/24 by Daily Horoscope - 天秤

William avatar
By William
at 2015-12-24T00:32

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Libra horoscope for Dec 24 2015

An unexpected problem or an unanticipated visitor may show up to interrupt you
r plans for tonight, Libra. You are a popular person to have around, and so yo
u might have a lot of people expecting you to make a few holiday visits today.
You can and should keep your plans, but you may have to compromise and you ma
y have to adjust your schedule just a little bit. Don't let these interruption
s dampen your enthusiasm or ruin your fun. Just be flexible and you can still
have a fabulous holiday.
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Tags: 天秤

All Comments

John avatar
By John
at 2015-12-28T12:26

2015/12/23 by Daily Horoscope

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2015-12-22T20:54
Libra horoscope for Dec 23 2015 You may be going overboard in trying to be fair to someone now, Libra, and in doing so you might be unfair to yourself. S ...

2015/12/23 (三) 唐立淇每日星座運勢

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2015-12-22T20:42
2015 / 12 / 23 (三) 天秤座今日運勢 打雷閃電 今天容易與人話不投機半句多,讓你體會到自己需要再修煉、 抑或是認清交情,決定不再費心經營下去。 家人相處會擦槍走火,建議不要亂開玩笑或說些令人討厭的話題。 感 ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2015-12-22T15:14
1. 是否已經詳細閱讀精華區與置底文摘的文章:是 2. 我的星座是:雙魚 3. 對方的星座是:天秤 4. 自己的個性 (請以20字內簡短敘述自己的個性) :隨性 在意一舉一動 希望對方好好的 5. 問題發生的背景: 前言: 下面會打一些比較詳細的互動 希望天秤版各位帥哥美女幫幫忙 判斷看看秤女到底煮好了 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-12-22T13:06
=======================此心情抒發專為天秤寶寶設置====================== 今日想抒發的心情是: 怒 心情背景: 就是剛剛,在十二星座版看到一篇文 標題是給戀人的忠告... 『雙子座和天秤座 忠告:安定一些 雙子與天秤座的人,戀愛中最大的毛病就是若即若離, ...