2016/07/19 by Daily Horoscope - 天秤

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-07-19T00:09

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Libra horoscope for July 19 2016
You may really admire people who seem to be free-spirited and uninhibited, but
if you tag along with someone like that today, Libra, you may find yourself t
o be out of your element. It's nice to admire a different lifestyle from afar,
but when you give it a try, you may get a better taste of what it's really li
ke. Don't be afraid to dip your toe in the pool, but be careful about going to
o far if you choose to check out a friend's hobby or interest.
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Tags: 天秤

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Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2016-07-23T16:59
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2016-07-27T00:36


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-07-18T09:38
(若幫人代問,請填寫當事人的資料) 1. 是否已經詳細閱讀精華區與置底文摘的文章:是 2. 我的星座是:蠍女 3. 對方的星座是:秤男 4. 自己的個性 (請以20字內簡短敘述自己的個性) : 溫和有朝氣,隨和愛哭 5. 問題發生的背景: 秤男有個交往一年的初戀女友,一個月前分手是因為女方劈腿(讓男友戴 ...

2016/7/18 by Daily Horoscope

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2016-07-18T00:01
出處:Libra horoscope for Jul 18 2016 內容: A person you know well may come to you with the hope of teaming up on a joint venture. While this is someone you car ...

2016/07/18 (一) 唐立淇每日星座運勢

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2016-07-17T20:25
2016 / 07 / 18 (一) 天秤座今日運勢 打雷閃電 今天傳來令人煩躁且是突如其來的訊息,或是有吵架爭執, 這樣的能量適合處理討厭的狀況,例如:有事要理論或需要撕破臉的事情。 感情方面另一半對你的意見傾巢而出,或有談論到分手的狀況 ...

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Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2016-07-17T13:12
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Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2016-07-17T01:47
想要建議的事項: 小弟我是秤男,想知道前輩們與蠍女交往過的經驗…… 想要建議的原因: 小弟正在與蠍女曖昧,但蠍女十在是神秘感滿分,捉摸不定…… 想知道有沒有秤男前輩跟蠍女交往過,跪求經驗分享…… 蠍女與秤男交往前後差異大嗎? - ...