2016/1/12 by Daily Horoscope - 天秤

By Tom
at 2016-01-11T22:48
at 2016-01-11T22:48
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Libra horoscope for Jan 12 2016
You may feel that you are travelling along a path that you didn't choose or pl
an for. That's not like you, Libra. You are actually the ultimate planner. The
refore, this excursion that seems so spontaneous may have you feeling on edge.
You are headed in a direction that may seem unfamiliar, but if you allow your
self to feel it, you can probably sense that everything is going to be all rig
ht. The new path that you are traveling may bring you some unpredictable momen
ts and some confusion, but ultimately it is headed in an auspicious direction,
so just relax.
Copyright ? Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
You may feel that you are travelling along a path that you didn't choose or pl
an for. That's not like you, Libra. You are actually the ultimate planner. The
refore, this excursion that seems so spontaneous may have you feeling on edge.
You are headed in a direction that may seem unfamiliar, but if you allow your
self to feel it, you can probably sense that everything is going to be all rig
ht. The new path that you are traveling may bring you some unpredictable momen
ts and some confusion, but ultimately it is headed in an auspicious direction,
so just relax.
Copyright ? Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

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at 2016-01-12T01:17
at 2016-01-12T01:17

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