2016/1/4 by Daily Horoscope - 天秤

By Ula
at 2016-01-04T02:59
at 2016-01-04T02:59
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Libra horoscope for Jan 4 2016
This time of year is often warm and fuzzy with family gatherings and catching
up with old friends. However, Libra, your life may be lacking in some of those
connections now because of a few burned bridges. Maybe you are craving the co
mpany of someone you have not seen in a long time because there is an unresolv
ed rift, but you are too proud or too frightened to reach out to this person.
If you are waiting for this person to reach out to you, then you are wasting y
our time because you are both at a standoff. Be the bigger person and make a g
esture of reconciliation. You can only win.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
This time of year is often warm and fuzzy with family gatherings and catching
up with old friends. However, Libra, your life may be lacking in some of those
connections now because of a few burned bridges. Maybe you are craving the co
mpany of someone you have not seen in a long time because there is an unresolv
ed rift, but you are too proud or too frightened to reach out to this person.
If you are waiting for this person to reach out to you, then you are wasting y
our time because you are both at a standoff. Be the bigger person and make a g
esture of reconciliation. You can only win.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Bennie
at 2016-01-08T02:54
at 2016-01-08T02:54

By Oliver
at 2016-01-12T17:47
at 2016-01-12T17:47

By Andy
at 2016-01-14T01:17
at 2016-01-14T01:17

By Suhail Hany
at 2016-01-15T08:03
at 2016-01-15T08:03

By Victoria
at 2016-01-18T00:20
at 2016-01-18T00:20

By William
at 2016-01-18T11:55
at 2016-01-18T11:55

By Bethany
at 2016-01-20T08:08
at 2016-01-20T08:08

By Margaret
at 2016-01-24T03:47
at 2016-01-24T03:47

By Sierra Rose
at 2016-01-26T06:38
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