2016/10/22 (六) Comitic每日運勢 - 牡羊

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2016-10-22T00:19

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Aries horoscope for Oct 22 2016
In the days ahead, Aries, someone may express an interest in getting to know you better, and vice versa. This could be either a romantic prospect or a potential friend, but the clues may be quite subtle. In fact, you could even ignore these subtle clues by playing dumb, and you might choose that route. After all, this person may not seem like someone you would care to get to know. Before you walk away, though, take some time to at least engage in a substantial conversation. You may discover there's a lot
more there than meets the eye - and it might be very appealing.

Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_Z00ED.

Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2016-10-23T19:36
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2016-10-25T07:48
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2016-10-30T02:06
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-10-31T18:55
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2016-11-02T04:35
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2016-11-02T19:29

2016/10/22.23 唐立淇每日星座運勢

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2016-10-21T18:50
2016 / 10 / 22.23 ( 六日 ) 牡羊座週末運勢 雨天 週末家族的事物有些搞不定,讓你很煩心,建議找家族中更有力的人一起來配合。 感情方面 人多嘴雜,尤其是家族方面的意見,使你感到很不舒服。 幸運色是綠色。 - ...

10/22 羊兒運勢綜論

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2016-10-21T17:57
https://goo.gl/V7xJ3C Astrology.com You can never make assumptions about who someone is when you havenand#39;t interacted socially -- that smacks of judg ...

2016/10/21 (五) Comitic每日運勢

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2016-10-20T22:31
Aries horoscope for Oct 21 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Some work that you must complete under a tight deadline ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2016-10-20T21:47
我跟羊羊差蠻多歲 他真的很體貼又很溫柔 1個月前,我爸走了 他一直陪著我,就怕我崩潰 而且還幫我想辦法解決 陪我承擔這一切 雖然前陣子因為小事吵架 (處女的想太多) 但羊羊真的很包容 我也要更成熟,經常放羊吃草 這樣他壓力才不會這麽大 也希望所有牧羊人 早點把羊牽回家^^~ 也祝福大 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2016-10-20T18:30
2016 / 10 / 21 ( 五 ) 牡羊座今日運勢 晴天 今天有峰迴路轉的契機,且有貴人出現,建議要好好把握,有機會可以扭轉命運。 感情方面 彼此有邁入下一階段的共識,只要經過深入的討論,就會讓你心裡更踏實。 幸運色是藍色。 --------------------------- ...