2016/11/3 (四) Comitic每日運勢 - 牡羊

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2016-11-02T21:45

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Aries horoscope for Nov 3 2016
Someone may be telling you that you are delving into something that you would be better off leaving alone. You may be intrigued by a mystery, Aries, or by something that you just don't understand. Maybe there is no compelling need for you to dig in and try to figure out what's happening, but internally you are churning with a deep desire to know more. Since you have such a burning need, you might as well satisfy it. According to "Take Me On," the 1980s hit song by the band A-ha, "it's no better to be
safe than sorry."

Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_Z00ED.

Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-11-04T00:14
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-11-05T10:17
哇~A-ha "Take Me On"


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2016-11-02T17:38
2016 / 11 / 03 ( 四 ) 牡羊座今日運勢 晴天 今天會得到很多人的肯定及讚美,且在職場上也有升官的運勢,不妨主動積極地抓住機會 。 感情方面 表現出陽光,青春或動感的一面,會讓人覺得你非常有魅力。 幸運色是米色。 --------------------------- ...

小乖麻 牡羊座2016年11月運勢

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2016-11-02T02:37
本月關鍵詞:浴火重生 你很可能會感覺自己正身處於煉獄之中,甚至會對自己所追求的(理想化的狀態)而感到 懷疑。而在現實當中你也正在經歷這樣的一個週期:不斷的透支,不斷的自我懷疑。當最 後一道防線崩塌掉之後,你所迎來的未必是毀滅,反而是更為廣闊的天空。所以請你準備 好以最好去迎接無限可能。 【月初你的 ...

2016/11/02(三)Susan Miller每日運勢

John avatar
By John
at 2016-11-02T01:06
譯文出處 蘇珊米勒微信號:sushanmile *因蘇珊米勒在美國,運勢產生了時差問題,以台灣時區來算,  運勢時間請自覺延後13小時(平均值計算)。  (例如:2016/1/1的運勢時間為2016/1/1 13:00~2016/1/2 13:00之間) 【白羊座】 你可能會從理財師那邊聽到很好的消息, ...

11/02 羊兒運勢綜論

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2016-11-02T00:08
https://goo.gl/uXmY62 Astrology.com Youand#39;re going to have an enthusiastic fan today, and he or she will be singing your praises to anyone who will l ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2016-11-01T17:12
2016 / 11 / 02 ( 三 ) 牡羊座今日運勢 打雷閃電 今天容易和別人起爭執,建議千萬不要被對方挑釁才好。 感情方面 適合談分手,因此若雙方早有問題,不妨找機會好好聊一聊。 幸運色是白色。 ------------------------------------------ ...