2016/12/24(六)Comitic每日運勢 - 牡羊

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2016-12-23T21:23

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Saturday Dec 24 2016

Someone has entrusted you - or will entrust you - with an important private me
ssage. Maybe they need your assistance, or maybe they need your advice. But yo
u may not be completely sure that you understand what this person is sharing,
and because it is so important and the telling seems so monumental, you may fe
el awkward about asking questions. You know that clarity is needed, so don't b
e afraid to ask. You could start out by expressing how flattered you are that
this was shared with you, Aries, and then just express your understanding of i
t. If there is more to know, you'll be told.




Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2016-12-26T10:30
標題打錯了喔 24號是禮拜六


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-12-22T23:17
我是女生,我喜歡她 是這樣的 12/18終於開口問她說:「跨年要不要一起去看電影?」 不過她說:「我還沒買到票 」 看到這個訊息的時候開始有點失落,覺得好像要約無望... 她說她有想回來只是票不好買 我說我也想妳回來~ 那天聊天的最末我跟她說回來嘛,可以看家人還有我 然後就被已讀到12/21了,中 ...

2016/12/23 (五) Comitic每日運勢

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-12-22T21:36
Friday Dec 23 2016 You may be defeating yourself or sabotaging a dream, Aries. You arenand#39;t doing so intentionally because this is very important to y ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2016-12-22T17:55
自己來回覆講講心得是ok的嗎哈哈 看到有和我一樣跟秤男狀況或不懂為何以疏遠做結束的同胞們~ 我的感覺是:就等吧。雖然真#%^*ꔦ的難受呢 我等了一個月吧 好久阿阿 有些事情 會在該說的時間讓妳知道的。 在曖昧那段時間 臨時被他無聲的喀掉了! 我們就這麼陌生起來 還是會因為聚會而見到面 但感覺他在迴避我的眼神 ...

12/23 羊兒運勢綜論

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2016-12-22T17:12
https://goo.gl/TNsJRh Astrology.com If youand#39;re feeling it, youand#39;ll say it, even if youand#39;d ordinarily go out of your way just to keep it un ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2016-12-22T16:09
2016 / 12 / 23 ( 五 ) 牡羊座今日運勢 打雷閃電 今天會扛下不該扛的事情,導致自己有過勞的傾向,建議要把不該是你做的事情交出去, 否則你可能會病倒。 感情方面 你的身心靈狀態不佳,以至於雙方關係不好。 幸運色是藍色。 ------------------------- ...