2016/2/17 Daily Horoscope - 天秤

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2016-02-16T23:15

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Libra horoscope for Feb 17 2016

You would probably love to have approval from certain people right now as you enter a more challenging period of your life. However, Libra, you may also be feeling more emotionally fragile than usual, and you don't want to risk criticism or rejection. Keep in mind that although this time may be more trying for you, it also holds great potential. This is a time to learn, to open new doors, and to start moving down a path toward the bright future you have envisioned. Keep your chin up and don't fret over
what others think. What you believe is all that counts now.
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Tags: 天秤

All Comments

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2016-02-21T03:47
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2016-02-25T14:15
James avatar
By James
at 2016-02-29T12:36
完全是現在的處境 正面迎接新世界

2016/02/17 (三) 唐立淇每日星座運勢

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2016-02-16T22:37
2016 / 02 / 17 (三) 天秤座今日運勢 打雷閃電 今天會遇到棘手的狀況,例如:事情難度高、或大家都沒把握, 使你必須擔負起打氣的角色,覺得有些吃力。 感情會因太忙而爽約,建議把事情說清楚、講明白, 你才能得到諒 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2016-02-16T01:31
=========================此格式為詢問愛情交往問題專用===================== (若幫人代問,請填寫當事人的資料) 1. 是否已經詳細閱讀精華區與置底文摘的文章:嗯。 2. 我的星座是:秤 3. 對方的星座是:秤 4. 自己的個性 (請以20字內簡短敘述自己的 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2016-02-16T00:15
(不好意思占用大家版面了) 我是介於巨蟹跟雙子交界,而他是標準天秤男 在我剛認識他的時候(一年半前)他剛轉換工作,他剛開始在這份工作還得心應手甚至 得意洋洋,直到最近半年,工作狀況突然變糟了,他在公司的地位已經被架空,他還 說出現在的工作環境就像地獄一樣(讀完精華區文章,似乎天秤的工作自尊心很強?) 情 ...

2016/2/16 Daily Horoscope

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2016-02-15T23:06
Libra horoscope for Feb 16 2016 You may find yourself in a dreary mood today, Libra, with little ambition for getting things done. This may be your spirit ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-02-15T22:46
=========================此格式為詢問愛情交往問題專用===================== (若幫人代問,請填寫當事人的資料) 1. 是否已經詳細閱讀精華區與置底文摘的文章: Yes 2. 我的星座是:羊男 3. 對方的星座是:秤女 4. 自己的個性 (請以20字內簡短敘述自 ...