2016/2/21 Daily Horoscope - 天秤

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-02-21T10:30

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Libra horoscope for Feb 21 2016

You are often a pushover when it comes to a certain person who holds a special place in your life. This person knows exactly how to get to you, Libra, and sometimes takes advantage of that knowledge. You
may receive a request today from this individual, and it may be one that would be difficult for you to fulfill. However, you may be inclined to say "yes" anyway because you have a hard time saying "no." If you choose to set a limit now you will be better off for it in the future. If you can establish some boundaries, you may actually begin to build a much better relationship.
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Tags: 天秤

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Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2016-02-20T23:51
=======================此心情抒發專為天秤寶寶設置====================== 真正走進心裡的人很少 會觀察對方 一旦認定對方是真心的好友或情人 就會無怨無悔的付出為對方著想 會抱怨但是只是講講 刀子嘴豆腐心 有時候被傷害還可以為對方找藉口 在心裡就原諒對方 不過還是想聽 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2016-02-20T11:04
=======================此心情抒發專為天秤寶寶設置====================== 如果妳懂天秤座, 那麼妳應該要知道我是天生的貴族,但在我深愛的妳面前卻 又是那麼的渺小與微不足道。 如果妳懂天秤座, 那麼妳應該知道雖然我看起來朋友很多,喜歡熱鬧,可實際上 我只需要妳的關心 ...

2016/2/20 Daily Horoscope

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2016-02-19T23:24
Libra horoscope for Feb 20 2016 Someone may be manipulating you now, Libra, but as sharp and savvy as you are, you may not realize it. This person would l ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2016-02-19T20:58
今日想抒發的心情是: 哀 心情背景: 迌戙祚y 優點:溫和優雅、愛好和平、擅於交際 缺點:猶豫不決、懶散怠惰、浮華不實 小弟已經25歲了 對自己的職場方向還是很模糊 看了很多的工作,好像都不錯 但...總是猶豫不決 有做過裝修工務 但幾個月後又開始懶散 想來看看大家都從事什麼樣的工作 - ...

2016/02/20 (六) 唐立淇週末星座運勢

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2016-02-19T20:50
2016 / 02 / 20.21 (六,日) 天秤座週末運勢 打雷閃電 週末會不得閒,例如:被人情或義務困住, 建議你要有付出週末時間的心理準備。 感情避免一直配合對方, 否則會造成一面倒、或自己不甘不願的狀況。 ...