2016/2/26 Daily Horoscope - 天秤

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2016-02-26T13:46

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Libra horoscope for Feb 26 2016

A fabulously imaginative idea may come to you today, Libra, or it may have visited you last night in your dreams. This idea could be translated into a money-making venture if you feel inspired by it, and doing so could open up a whole new world for you. While you may be feeling very caught up in the creativity of this idea, you will have to apply some practical restrictions to this endeavor if you want it to go the distance. You have the ability to blend magic with practical measures, though, so get
started as soon as you can.
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Tags: 天秤

All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2016-03-01T20:05


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2016-02-24T23:01
=========================此格式為詢問愛情交往問題專用===================== (若幫人代問,請填寫當事人的資料) 1. 是否已經詳細閱讀精華區與置底文摘的文章: 2. 我的星座是:羊男 3. 對方的星座是:秤女 4. 自己的個性 (請以20字內簡短敘述自己的個性 ...

2016/2/25 Daily Horoscope

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2016-02-24T22:09
Libra horoscope for Feb 25 2016 You may have come to a decision that you arenand#39;t quite ready to share. This may be something you have thought about f ...

2016/02/25 (四) 唐立淇每日星座運勢

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2016-02-24T19:20
2016 / 02 / 25 (四) 天秤座今日運勢 陰天 今天財務方面頗有斬獲,例如:接到大訂單或大客戶, 你貴人運很旺,不妨好好把握。 感情可適時撒嬌、傳遞你的需要,建議走感性路線。 幸運色是橘色。 -- Ka ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2016-02-24T00:20
=========================此格式為詢問愛情交往問題專用===================== 1. 是否已經詳細閱讀精華區與置底文摘的文章:是 2. 我的星座是:金牛 3. 對方的星座是:天秤 4. 自己的個性 (請以20字內簡短敘述自己的個性) :現實主義,粗枝大葉,自我本 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2016-02-24T00:08
=========================此格式為詢問愛情交往問題專用===================== (若幫人代問,請填寫當事人的資料) 1. 是否已經詳細閱讀精華區與置底文摘的文章: Yes 2. 我的星座是:羊男 3. 對方的星座是:秤女 4. 自己的個性 (請以20字內簡短敘 ...