2016 Yearly Zodiac - 雙魚

By Elma
at 2015-12-31T17:32
at 2015-12-31T17:32
Table of Contents
Pisces Yearly Horoscope for 2016
There have probably been some major changes for you in the last year, Pisces,
and it wasn't always easy. These changes could have occurred in any and maybe
even in all areas of your life. That made it hard to balance your mind and you
r emotions, and at times you may have felt that you were falling apart. You he
ld it together though, and you did well. You should be entering 2016 with a si
gh of relief, as many of your most outstanding issues are either winding down
or are already solved. Don't put too much weight on the troubles that follow y
ou into this year, because you are far more able to handle them than you ever
were before, and you will deal with them as they come along. By March, you sho
uld have a genuine sense of having come through a difficult phase very success
fully, and it will be like having a completely new lease on life. Don't take t
his new chance for granted, and don't fall into old habits, because if you con
tinue along this path there is much greater happiness and success in store for
you. As you move forward, life will be like an adventure, with numerous fun a
nd rewarding surprises to come. These are gifts from the universe, as rewards
for your determination and hard work to improve yourself and your life.
Love may not have offered an easy road to you in recent years, Pisces, but tha
t is about to change. It won't be instant gratification, of course, but it wil
l come to you slowly and you will have the time to savor it and revel in it. I
n the early part of the year, you may be more focused on friendship than roman
ce, which is as it should be. That's because friendship is essential to your h
appiness as a person, and friendship is also the foundation for any romantic r
elationship - both new and existing. In fact, the idea of a friendship will be
integral to your success in romance this year, Pisces. If you are single, you
can expect to meet someone in or around June who will most likely start out a
s a friend. You should find that this person has a lot in common with you, and
simply feels like home. You will share a kindred spirit, and you will be amaz
ed at how in sync you are. While you may be fearful of damaging the relationsh
ip by indulging in romance, you needn't be. If you treat this bond reverential
ly and honorably, this could blossom into something that lasts a lifetime. If
you already have a significant other, friendship will also be in focus. If you
have drifted away from the friendship aspects of your relationship, you need
to get back to that. By rediscovering your friendship, you will rediscover you
r passion for each other and this can improve your relationship immensely
Friction in family relationships may have been scattered over the last year, w
ith certain family members taking sides against others. This strife will conti
nue if you don't take practical steps to rectify the rift. You may have to tak
e the high road and be the bigger person, Pisces, but you do have the power no
w to make a deep connection and get through to a difficult person. You have lo
nged for better family relationships, and that will be possible this year if y
ou make it a focus of your life now. You should also find yourself closer than
ever with one very special family member - someone who has always deeply unde
rstood you and supported you, though that part of it may not always have been
obvious. This individual will grow closer to you and will learn to confide in
you more often, and likewise you will find this person to be an excellent conf
idante. Hold this person dear to you, and this bond can go unbroken forever. A
nother family member may come to you with a happy surprise around October, and
will seek your assistance in conveying the message to others. You have the se
nsitivity that might be required to accomplish this successfully.
You have been toying with the idea of a certain career or business for a long
time now, Pisces. You have talked about it to others, but perhaps you have not
received the most supportive or optimistic reactions from others - especially
from family members who often see you as flighty or too dreamy. However, this
idea is really a good thing, and you should just tune out those who don't bel
ieve in it or in you. The catch here for you, though, is that you have to keep
your feet on the ground and make constructive, realistic, and logical plans t
o get this idea off the ground. If you just leave it in the dream realm, and y
ou continue to fantasize, then you won't ever get it to manifest in your life.
You would love to prove certain people wrong, Pisces, but you mustn't set out
on this venture with that as your goal. Your goal should only be to find your
fulfillment, and to prove to yourself that you can do it - because you can. I
f you can get this started this year, you will have such a sense of accomplish
ment that it will fuel you to all kinds of wonder and success in 2016.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
關係的基礎 - 不管是新歡還是舊愛。實際上,友情對於這一年的愛情起到至關重要的作
些,你可以做到。你也會和一位家庭成員比以往都更親密 - 這個人一直對你的事情感同
收到最強力的支持 - 特別是一些一直認為你太過想當然的家人。但是,這個主意會是一
是你的成就,和對自己的責任 - 你可以做到你想做到的。如果你今年可以有個開始,201
看到有人翻了,我就偷懶啦 :p
There have probably been some major changes for you in the last year, Pisces,
and it wasn't always easy. These changes could have occurred in any and maybe
even in all areas of your life. That made it hard to balance your mind and you
r emotions, and at times you may have felt that you were falling apart. You he
ld it together though, and you did well. You should be entering 2016 with a si
gh of relief, as many of your most outstanding issues are either winding down
or are already solved. Don't put too much weight on the troubles that follow y
ou into this year, because you are far more able to handle them than you ever
were before, and you will deal with them as they come along. By March, you sho
uld have a genuine sense of having come through a difficult phase very success
fully, and it will be like having a completely new lease on life. Don't take t
his new chance for granted, and don't fall into old habits, because if you con
tinue along this path there is much greater happiness and success in store for
you. As you move forward, life will be like an adventure, with numerous fun a
nd rewarding surprises to come. These are gifts from the universe, as rewards
for your determination and hard work to improve yourself and your life.
Love may not have offered an easy road to you in recent years, Pisces, but tha
t is about to change. It won't be instant gratification, of course, but it wil
l come to you slowly and you will have the time to savor it and revel in it. I
n the early part of the year, you may be more focused on friendship than roman
ce, which is as it should be. That's because friendship is essential to your h
appiness as a person, and friendship is also the foundation for any romantic r
elationship - both new and existing. In fact, the idea of a friendship will be
integral to your success in romance this year, Pisces. If you are single, you
can expect to meet someone in or around June who will most likely start out a
s a friend. You should find that this person has a lot in common with you, and
simply feels like home. You will share a kindred spirit, and you will be amaz
ed at how in sync you are. While you may be fearful of damaging the relationsh
ip by indulging in romance, you needn't be. If you treat this bond reverential
ly and honorably, this could blossom into something that lasts a lifetime. If
you already have a significant other, friendship will also be in focus. If you
have drifted away from the friendship aspects of your relationship, you need
to get back to that. By rediscovering your friendship, you will rediscover you
r passion for each other and this can improve your relationship immensely
Friction in family relationships may have been scattered over the last year, w
ith certain family members taking sides against others. This strife will conti
nue if you don't take practical steps to rectify the rift. You may have to tak
e the high road and be the bigger person, Pisces, but you do have the power no
w to make a deep connection and get through to a difficult person. You have lo
nged for better family relationships, and that will be possible this year if y
ou make it a focus of your life now. You should also find yourself closer than
ever with one very special family member - someone who has always deeply unde
rstood you and supported you, though that part of it may not always have been
obvious. This individual will grow closer to you and will learn to confide in
you more often, and likewise you will find this person to be an excellent conf
idante. Hold this person dear to you, and this bond can go unbroken forever. A
nother family member may come to you with a happy surprise around October, and
will seek your assistance in conveying the message to others. You have the se
nsitivity that might be required to accomplish this successfully.
You have been toying with the idea of a certain career or business for a long
time now, Pisces. You have talked about it to others, but perhaps you have not
received the most supportive or optimistic reactions from others - especially
from family members who often see you as flighty or too dreamy. However, this
idea is really a good thing, and you should just tune out those who don't bel
ieve in it or in you. The catch here for you, though, is that you have to keep
your feet on the ground and make constructive, realistic, and logical plans t
o get this idea off the ground. If you just leave it in the dream realm, and y
ou continue to fantasize, then you won't ever get it to manifest in your life.
You would love to prove certain people wrong, Pisces, but you mustn't set out
on this venture with that as your goal. Your goal should only be to find your
fulfillment, and to prove to yourself that you can do it - because you can. I
f you can get this started this year, you will have such a sense of accomplish
ment that it will fuel you to all kinds of wonder and success in 2016.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
關係的基礎 - 不管是新歡還是舊愛。實際上,友情對於這一年的愛情起到至關重要的作
些,你可以做到。你也會和一位家庭成員比以往都更親密 - 這個人一直對你的事情感同
收到最強力的支持 - 特別是一些一直認為你太過想當然的家人。但是,這個主意會是一
是你的成就,和對自己的責任 - 你可以做到你想做到的。如果你今年可以有個開始,201
看到有人翻了,我就偷懶啦 :p
All Comments

By Mary
at 2016-01-03T07:13
at 2016-01-03T07:13

By Delia
at 2016-01-05T00:16
at 2016-01-05T00:16

By Suhail Hany
at 2016-01-08T00:03
at 2016-01-08T00:03

By Poppy
at 2016-01-08T08:54
at 2016-01-08T08:54

By Emily
at 2016-01-11T10:10
at 2016-01-11T10:10

By Ursula
at 2016-01-12T21:53
at 2016-01-12T21:53

By Jack
at 2016-01-16T00:54
at 2016-01-16T00:54

By Kelly
at 2016-01-20T02:18
at 2016-01-20T02:18

By Madame
at 2016-01-20T09:14
at 2016-01-20T09:14

By Ursula
at 2016-01-24T14:41
at 2016-01-24T14:41

By Eartha
at 2016-01-29T03:35
at 2016-01-29T03:35

By Carolina Franco
at 2016-01-29T14:43
at 2016-01-29T14:43

By Frederic
at 2016-02-01T16:19
at 2016-02-01T16:19

By Frederica
at 2016-02-02T22:49
at 2016-02-02T22:49

By Audriana
at 2016-02-05T16:14
at 2016-02-05T16:14
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